Astral Spirit Guide, Olvenna
Size 11
A gold toned men’s ring with a black circular flat crown, set in a mixed metal gold toned, detailed open-world band, in good to very good condition.
For your consideration, we are proud to present a spirit who will enlighten your perception of reality and assist you with guidance in and regarding the astral plane – a spirit vessel containing the complete embodiment of the Astral Spirit, Olvenna. She will aid you in the extraordinary journey of astral projection and outer body experiences in ways that only real Magick can.
Olvenna is a good natured and deeply intuitive Spirit from the Astral plane, representing the infinite evolution of nature and of the mind. She is a Spiritual Guide and Guru of the all that involves the Astral plane and all of its Realms, and a Master of Tri-Conscious Artistry – the ability to use the Astral plane to explore the Waking Consciousness, the Subconscious, and Unconscious as they relate to the Universe.
Into your own mind she will help you dive headfirst (no pun intended), to explore within to explore outward, to find the Knowledge, Wisdom and Answers you seek in Life and Spirit.
She appears much like a human, very fair, long flowing hair that is beautiful and almost white, like the color of Pearl’s. Olvenna can travel anywhere within the Astral plane, and use the plane to go anywhere.
She is loyal, protective, and is safe around pets, children, and other spirits.
A Master of the Mind, Olvenna has the Power to break down barriers and the walls that limit humankind's Tri-Conscious Awareness. She will help you unlock the doors you’ve been wanting to open in astral Spiritual adventures
She is a wonderful Spirit to have in your Keep whether you are a beginner or experienced. There is always more to unveil from within when using her vessel in meditation for those seeking to achieve high states of consciousness and astral travel. These outer body experiences are nothing short of extraordinary, and she will lead you on a journey of self-discovery that allows you to explore within to travel beyond. You will have the ability to spiritually grow as far as is possible per your own Third Eye.
As you first begin your Astral journey with this incredibly patient and kind spirit, it is normal to experience sensations of lightheadedness, dizziness, and sensory overload, due to your own energy acclimating to that if Olvenna's.
You may hear her voice and see her in your mind, but in our dimension, for her to appear in her true form is unlikely, as her energy/Spiritual Matrix is of a much higher frequency resonance than that of Earth's. She can appear more so as light, in flashes or radiant light to the naked eye.
Sometimes she has an effect on electricity and battery powered things, like lights turning off, batteries dying quickly, but this is more so an unintentional side effect from her energy.
Olvanna’s primary and most fluid means of communication are through Dreams and Meditation. It is in this state of Consciousness where you will learn and explore with her the most. She will help you explore within during sleep and Meditation – looking inward to look outward, tapping into your own mind and its extras senses
As your mind opens and she helps you dive deeper into the astral plane, you will learn to take control of your travels, being aware of where you see going and going anywhere you want to go, in the past, present or future.
You can honor Olvenna by lighting a candle as an intentional offering, as this associates the physical with the intention, the thought, as the principle of consciousness is of the highest importance. Thought is connected by the ether matrix from the human body to the dimensions and planes of existence.
You can also talk to her, in your mind or aloud, about things you have enjoyed with her or appreciate from her, things you would like to know, do, see, have, learn, etc.
There are some additional steps one can take into consideration to help with your meditation for astral travel, it can be very helpful to 1) know the location of the Third Eye so you can focus on it in meditation, and 2) to care for the Third Eye with importance, just as one cares for their heart, skin, and other organs with healthy lifestyle changes.
The pinecone shaped, pea sized pineal gland (about 1/3rd of an inch) is located at the center of the two brain hemispheres, just above the third ventricle, lying deep at the center of the brain in the epithalamus, directly behind the root of the nose, floating in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid.
Now, the pinecone shaped walls of your Psychic-Cerebral capacity, for most people, are calcified to varying extents, with calcified structures called corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand". Unfortunately, this gland has the highest calcification rate among all organs and tissues of the human body. Pineal gland calcification (PGC) is common among Western populations but is much, much rarer amongst African and Far Eastern populations, which is largely due to the differences in diet and environment. The harmful effects of artificial substances such as fluoride chemicals found in most public water systems and toothpaste, hormones and additives put into processed foods, sugars and artificial sweeteners dumped into soft drinks, synthetic calcium supplements, and pesticides sprayed on produce are believed to cause PGC, which generally increases with age, as it accumulates, beginning in very, very early childhood.
To aid in the decalcification of your Third Eye, Oregano oil, neem extract, and nascent iodine (my personal favorite) are very helpful. Fluoride filters help minimize fluoride intake from public water, and you can use alternative, fluoride-free toothpaste.
You can stop taking calcium supplements with synthetic calcium, avoid using nonstick cookware with PFOA and PFC, eat organic whole foods, and avoid processed foods and foods sprayed with pesticides. Doing these things will help you with your Third Eye greatly and thus, astral travel, but it will also be beneficial to many facets of your health and overall wellbeing.
Your energy has far more power than you can even imagine. There is energy in the words you speak, in your thoughts, and in your physical presence. When we function from a low-level energetic state (with many who dismiss the Truth), our thoughts and energy can literally pollute the world. Conversely, when we function from a positive place of high energy, from an elevated energetic state, the world around us becomes more positive. We must learn how to dissolve these boundaries by taking responsibility for our own energy. You CAN take control of your own extrasensory abilities and with this extraordinary Spirit, the sky is not the limit, but just one of the countless places for you to explore, to search for Truth, from within.