Copper Chakra Alignment Talisman
Vintage Copper bracelets, in good condition.
Eastern healing methodology works on the principle that there are energy centers or chakras, held within the body's energy field, and that any illness or ailments comes from disturbances in these energy centers. I want to be clear that we are not offering these as medical or mental health treatment, but for spiritual and energetic purposes.
Some people can feel the spinning of these chakras when they are functioning properly, and likewise, some can feel when one of these centers is out of harmony in some way.
The energy within these centers is the same energy that connects us all, every single person, place & thing in this universe. This same energy is what flows through & aids in opening the 3rd eye. It allows us to manipulate & use the energy constructively. Just like harnessing electricity to power our homes, just like geese using magnetic fields to migrate, we too can harness & use Orgone energy to our advantage, to make our lives easier, to improve the quality of our lives, to change the very course of our lives, our future.
To understand the magnitude of the awesome power of Orgone energy & how vastly it can, and has helped countless over millennia by harnessing and directing it, and why it has recently become of strong interest again, i feel it is important to know about Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone accumulator, and how the government did, and still does to this day, everything possible to discredit him & Orgone energy, as a means to protect their own pockets.
Doctor Wilhelm Reich was the one who first scientifically discovered, tested, documented, and used Orgone energy. Orgone energy is life energy, life force energy, chi, which has existed far longer - since the beginning of time, the universe, or always, we do not yet know an exact, proven origin, just like how there are many theories on the exact origin & beginning of the universe, or, how there is no known explanation for how the very first life was sparked.
Although many cultures have used Orgone energy, called it by different names, Reich was the first to "brand" it, so-to-speak. Reich developed an incredibly provocative & effective device which he called the Orgone Accumulator, a box which accumulates, amplifies and directs Orgone energy & harnesses it for specialized healing, affirmations & specific intentions.
Reich's Orgone Accumulator device used layers of organic wood & metal to attract, amplify & direct Orgone energy. Patients would sit inside these large, nearly phone booth sized boxes and would receive concentrated Orgone into their bodies. Some of these patients had advanced stages of cancer and they were cured. His discovery & invention led to absolutely incredible, groundbreaking approaches towards psychiatry, medicine, the social sciences, biology and even weather research.
However, These kinds of activities made him a controversial figure and in conflict with those who hold powerful positions. This was almost certainly the reason it was ordered that every single book, journal, anything he had written that even mentioned Orgone energy be literally burned.
In 1954, the FDA issued a complaint for an injunction against Reich. The FDA called the accumulators a sham and Orgone energy nonexistent. A judge issued an injunction that ordered all accumulators rented or owned by Reich and those working with him destroyed and all labeling referring to Orgone energy destroyed. He found himself in prison, where he met an early death. His work & findings have been grossly distorted, cut out of context, & slandered by "them" ever since.
Oh the money mongering corruption that was present... because of course, like today still, they don't want people cured of their sicknesses, diseases, cancers, ailments, etc. They want to keep people chronically ill. They don't make that kind of money if you're healthy or dead. They make the most money keeping us sick. So between the Pharmaceutical companies, the Medical Business, the Food Companies, and Government agencies that they want us to believe are there to "regulate" and "protect" us - even major "charitable" organizations that give the message of "finding a cure!" Or "for supporting those with [insert health issue]" - if you dig deep enough, you'll find almost everyone is scratching everyone's backs, for money, and thus influence, control, and power.
In the past few decades the number of Doctors, Scientists & Researchers studying, learning from & using Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Amplifier and his work, experiments he conducted has increased greatly. There are many who meet at conferences and summits to discuss their findings & successes. Many have had success in treating what most consider the impossible, specifically cancer. It is of no surprise that many Doctors who have been able to naturally cure Cancer, Reich related or not, have ended up assassinated, with official cause of death ruled as an "accident" of some kind, or "suicide", most often in the middle of the woods or near a river or other waterway. One in particular was deemed a suicide, yet had 2 gunshots to the head. Yes, you read that correctly, 2.
We are at a pivotal point in our culture, a social revolution is in its infancy, people are wizening up to the money & control fueled corruption that links Big Pharma, the Medical Industry, Government agencies & Food Companies. People are sick of the traditional Western medicine approach of treating symptoms with pills & treatments, instead of actually finding & treating the actual root problem. We are beginning this great shift in thought & behaviors, for the good of ourselves, our children, and the Earth. We are on the cusp of a new era in cultural & social thinking & acceptance, one that will bring us closer together. The great thinkers & doers whose lives have been ended due to their heart & passion for helping others in a healthy, holistic, natural way will not have been in vain.
The theory & proven function of this instrument is like that of Reich's Orgone Accumulator, but with Magick behind it that is far more ancient. It's physical use format & means of accumulating, amplifying are much the same. It's physical size makes it extremely versatile though, versus the very cumbersome phone booth sized box, and allows for very, very specific & precise amplification & directing of Orgone energy.This is made of copper, and is used placed directly atop your skin, or natural fiber clothing, such as cotton, or upon another naturally occurring surface, like wood, stone, granite etc. Both our skin and natural fiber clothing are organic in nature, making them excellent high energy absorption materials just like Reich's Wood component of his box, and a necessary staple in the process of "conducting" Orgone energy.
The Copper bracelet functions in reflecting, amplifying, & directing Orgone energy. The specific placement & location of the Copper upon the chosen organic material creates a vortex which produces a spinning energy, which further amplifies the energies. So, we now have two powerful components working together: ancient Orgone technology that is moving massive amounts of Orgone energy via the metal & organic material, further amplified by specialized placement to create an amplifying vortex, which reverberates and vibrates your wishes, imbalances & intentions to their highest vibrational level, amplifying the energy put into your intended purpose, to give your purpose (wish, imbalance, or intention) specific intensified manifestation energy, whilst ensuring this energy is all balanced, positive and life-affirming.
There are a couple important things to remember when using this though, for safety, and for efficiency.
- Always clear the area of interference – meaning, make the area you’re in is clear & calm. Like, it’s not something you'd want to use in the middle of a busy subway, for example. In your bedroom or another space you can relax is ideal.
- Always make sure your mind is clear of distractions, that it is calm. Never begin to use if your energy is in a low vibration in that moment – for example, if you are frustrated, angry, depressed, or anxious. Always center & calm yourself before commencing use. These low frequency emotions can be amplified, even if that is not your intention, so just center & calm yourself before commencing. Take some deep breaths, listen to the sound of your own breathing, and slow your breathing, clearing your mind & giving your stress, worry, sadness etc to the Universe, allowing it to leave your body & mind.
- It must be placed on organic material, such as skin, natural fiber clothing like cotton, linen, hemp, wool, leather, real fur, etc, or surfaces that are organic such as wood, stone, granite, etc. Directly on the skin is best.
To use this, there is not a specific set of instructions set for every possible use, no specific rules to follow for placement, no pre-determined, one-size-fits-all instructions, as we as Spiritual Beings with our own unique energies are not cookie-cutter, so use varies from person to person by feeling, intuition, and gut, and based on what your wish, intention & purpose is. Go with what your body, your mind, and your intuition are telling you. Listen to your own self, and trust in your own self!
When placing on the body, be it directly on skin or on organic material clothing, you can touch it on each end with both hands to create a circuit, vortexing the energy in a circuit through you for intensified amplification.
If there are any other objects you feel should be included, such as crystals or stones, Money – a paper bill or coins, or other stones, a charm, literally anything else you feel that comes to mind, go with it, as this is your own 3rd eye, your Psychic sense, your 6th sense, being active & guiding you. You may even write your intentions on a piece of paper & place next to it. Go with your own feelings, there is no stress or pressure in wondering where to place something, how to do so, what direction it needs to be placed in, if something is supposed to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or where exactly to place any specifics you may want to incorporate etc. Simply follow what you feel, whatever you feel is right! What your own self determines is exactly how it should be, which is an act of psychic Intuition, an exercise in your own psychic sense.
Do not over think the placement of the Copper Orgone Amplifier and/or any other objects you may feel intuitively inclined to use, nor should you second guess yourself!
Some examples of placement though, say, if wanting to open the 3rd eye or channel other psychic based purposes, you may choose to place it between your eyes on your forehead. If wishing to direct amplified Orgone energy to a specific area of the body, you may want to place it atop where the issue is.
If you want to incorporate a Talisman of some kind, like one for wealth, luck, money, psychic awareness etc, you can incorporate that talisman how you normally would, like wearing it if it is a necklace, or simply keep it close by if it is a statue figure.
Let your own inner thoughts & feelings guide you! Listen to your intuition, for it is your own psychic sense showing you the way!
- Clear the physical area of interferences (pets & electonics) & calm your mind
- Place the Copper Orgone Amplifier where you feel is right and if there’s any other objects or talismans you want to use
- Focus your intention, purpose & result into the Amplifier
At this point is where you can place both hands/fingertips on each side of the bracelet to create a circuit, vortexing the energy in a circuit through you for intensified amplification.
Do not be afraid or alarmed if you experience tingling, some lightheadedness, ringing in the ear, or a ‘body buzz’ type feeling, for it is all the Orgone Energy at work.
You can do this for a minute or two once or twice a day, or as many times as you feel right, it does not need to be done for long, extended, lengthy sessions. It does not to be cleared or cleansed.
This Copper Orgone Amplifier is extremely easy to use, one need not have any experience to use it. And as easy as it is to use, so too is its effectiveness. The Power of it is fueled from within, and around. It is limitless, as are the possibilities with this incredible possession.