Punctum Saliens: Ascended Masters Crystalline Energetic Elevation
Size 9 3/4. A brilliantly detailed antique, this piece has beautiful, natural character. Made in the late 1800’s, there are signs of wear and use commensurate with its age. The exact composition is unknown. A truly stunning piece of craftsmanship.
I am honored to present this precious metaphysical treasure, obtained from an elite source of ours. A Premier piece of ours, there is no other like it, anywhere, and it is destined for one Master who will heed the call to the purpose it serves.
The nature of this piece is remarkably unique. It is not something one expects to come across when referring to those who hold the power and control, secret societies of the wealthiest and elite.
For centuries, these societies have used various occult practices and Magick of Ancient Mysteries to attain and maintain their Power, Wealth, and Control over the to bring about a global transformation. They have infiltrated all other societies such as the Invisible College, and have been the guiding force behind every significant revolution in modern history. These most powerful people have kept their ancient devices to themselves, with only a few exceptions, using various types of celebrities, allotting them a controlled levels of influence and monetary success, but all as a means to maintain their control over the “lower masses”. Contrary to what most believe, these celebrities are often blind to it, or, they’re given morsels of information – just enough to keep their followers good and distracted, and just enough to keep that individual feeling special, “chosen”, to inspire their loyalty.
These groups meet annually, and in times of “disruption”, but the content of their meetings has always remained a zealously, and at times brutally guarded secret…depending.
However, the agendas, practices, and world beliefs amongst the different societies do vary. Some differ quite substantially, actually, and, what lengths they will go to accomplish something.
This is precisely why this piece is so rare, and what makes it so unusual – in a good way.
This piece comes from a small, discreet meeting between select Freemasons and the Knights Templar – all that can be disclosed is that they are “elders”. Though the exact whereabouts and individuals of this meeting must remain classified, this does not change the context of what this piece is about.
This ring is of such a nature we rarely come upon when the source is of the world’s secret elite. This is a piece that is for the greater good – not of the secret elite, but everyone else.
You see, at the time this was made, and every time it has been wielded since, has been in response to tremendous imbalance in the world, low vibration, times where society itself was its own worst enemy, where social, political, economic or racial divides were spiraling, times where civil war, a political coup, or other such threats were fertile possibilities, and not in alignment with the core of why some of these societies were birthed to begin with. Some of these times have even been that of unrest and divide within the elite groups themselves, where a 5th column had formed, or, become the majority, which, given our technological advancements over the past century, and especially now (there’s much more than what the public is aware of), this could pose a dire threat for all the world and everyone in it.
You see, the path that some of these societies follow is meant to lead to enlightenment, ascension, reaching the highest states of consciousness, of being. But man is easily corrupted. While there are those who can balance their spiritual path with the earthly, there are those who lose sight of the bigger picture. The lines between spiritual ascension or power and earthly or material gain become blurred, crossed, and the ego takes over. Some become all too consumed with their lower, lesser selves, and the stage is set for chaos.
This is the point we are at, at this moment in time. There are those who want power and control, no matter the cost. When I say, “no matter the cost” that is precisely what I mean.
In light of our recent times, it is of little surprise this piece has once again been pulled. Given the extreme disparity, imbalance, and grossly disproportionate polarity of current affairs, it is also of no surprise it has been removed from the access of those in power (by an elite “elder” source of ours), and is being put in the hands of someone outside of the political arena.
With this piece, as we do see from time to time, there are detailed specifications as to what day, time it is to be made available to the public, what can be divulged, and the like. There is a purpose in this.
The one whom is destined and meant to be it’s Master will know it is meant for them.
This piece is the mode of activation, interception, and elevation, and the Master of this piece is the Punctum Saliens, the essential, grounding point, the leaping point for all of this to occur. This piece calls upon the Ascended Masters – those who have ascended from the teachings of the Ancient Mystery Schools, who have reached levels of spiritual enlightenment most cannot fathom. It calls upon their fore brothers, the elders, those who know what it means when they are collectively called upon. For, they have the knowledge and wisdom that we, still here walking the earth, do not. They are the Masters of the timeless, encrypted teachings of the Ancient Mystery Schools, that which has been passed down through Priests and Priestesses, Initiates and Elite, for means of preserving, protecting and perpetuating the mystery teachings for only ‘those who have eyes to see,’ and ‘those who have ears to hear.’
Kept under lock and key, the secrets they all came to understand hold the keys to living an enlightened, empowered life, and ascending beyond the limitations of this Earth.
The Ascended Masters are deeply connected with the Prime Energetic Ley lines, or, crystalline grid of our Earth and energies of the cosmos in ways of which such knowledge of has literally built empires.
This, is why they are called upon in dire times such as these. This, is why this piece was created.
This piece summons forth the Ascended Masters, the Guardians and Protectors, the Light bearers and Teachers, the Healers and Record Keepers, the Magicians and the Watchers, those who spent countless hours, years, lifetimes in their path toward ascension. It invokes their energies, activating the crystalline grid and bathing the earth with transformative energies, using their collective consciousness to raise the lowest frequencies.
Now, this is not going to suddenly catapult all of society into the 5D and spiritual awakening, that is not the purpose in this. It is meant to elevate what is needed to restore balance, to intercept and interrupt the current cataclysmic patterns that have been rapidly unfolding, and to prevent the ego and hubris of fallen man from continuing this path of destruction, division, and chaos to the point of no return.
A true mystical piece that will benefit you lifelong, the one who bears it holds so very much in their literal hand. This is why it has been removed from its previous holding place, and why it is being offered here, now. It is destined for one who will not treat it as a simple plaything, or a novelty, nor obtain it for the purpose of feeding the ego. It is destined for one who will have respect, trust, and pure intentions, who uses this not for reasons of self, but for all.
For your commitment, responsibility & selflessness, you will come to receive both spiritual and material rewards. The destined Master of this piece will have a direct link to the Ascended Masters, and thus, your own energy will be elevated. As you acclimate to this piece, you may find you receive “downloads”, knowledge of phrases and symbols, immersions of hidden teachings while in dreams and meditative and/or altered states, visions of things not visible to the naked eye in the material world, your awareness and abilities strengthening as your mind expands with spiritual dexterity. Developing your bodies of intuition, will, and reason to be receptive to perceiving the pathways to greatness in your physical, earthly life, and in what awaits beyond our mortal existence, your experiences will be seen through a much wider lens.
As far as material rewards go, the destined Master of this piece will know these rewards when they come. They will occur when they are meant to, and, I see the destined Master looking up at the sky, humbly giving thanks to the forces and Masters who governed this taking place, and I see him using part of his rewards for the good of others, both spiritually and in earthly or material means.
To use this, you must use it in meditation – or, if you practice other such rituals that are similar but not necessarily called “meditation”. When you are not using it, it must be kept safe, whether that is with you wearing it, or locked in your safe, etc. There is no need for any specific rituals, as, the ring itself holds the magick to the Ascended Masters – they know what to do.
From those who came before you, those who will come after you, those who have facilitated this passing of the proverbial torch, and all of us at The Haunted Hive: Thank You. Thank you for following your own path, for heeding the “voice” inside you, and for being the gifted old soul you are, that the world needs.
You may or may not believe in fate or destiny, but whether you do or not, you stumbled upon this listing for a reason.
Thank you for your interest in this Metaphysical treasure. This is one of our most elite items, and should be treated with respect.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask, I am always happy to help in any way I can.