Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet
Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet
Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet
Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet
Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet
Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet

Mannux, Elite Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard Spirit Vessel Amulet

$175.00 Sale price

A unique, highly energized stone arrowhead amulet, with a gold metallic outer perimeter of unknown properties.

For your Metaphysical Curiosity, we present a striking Amulet holding the full power & complete embodiment of the Ancient Werewolf & Sorcerer of Asgard, Mannux.

Conjured & openly bound by The Haunted Hive's Elite Spellcaster Witch & Master Conjurer, Katie, professionally casting the full transformative Power of 12 werewolves upon Mannux, 3x sealing his energy within this solid vessel to never escape its physical existence.

A Powerful Being, Mannux is Loyal, Protective, highly intelligent, & the only Werewolf Sorcerer of Asgard. His human form is of age 25-30, bright green eyes, cool disheveled hair, & strong jawline. In a natural wolv,ňßstance his back is approximately 8 feet off the ground, with taupe brown fur.

As is the case with most werewolves, the moon is his source of energy. However, As a Sorcerer, Mannux has complete control over his powers of transformation – an extraordinarily rare accomplishment. An Elite Master of the Ancient Norse Aesir-Vanir Magickal Art of Seidr, & thoroughly versed in the art of the control of & manipulation of dark energy, Mannux is an immensely powerful being capable of advanced magick, far surpassing that of other werewolves.

Be fully aware however, that although Mannux is an advanced practitioner in the art of the control of & manipulation of dark energy, he is so for purposes & reasons of a white Nature, for the ultimate mode of protection.

Such Intense power surrounds this amulet, that when glanced upon by others, many can literally feel the energy from it, radiating through you as its Keeper. Those around you may feel an attraction, a sense of magnetism around you, a sense of mystery & intrigue, but they will not know it is the Amulet drawing them in.

Once owned and kept by Athena, 13th generation Mixed Magick Arts witch, and the great Spellcaster Witch and Master Conjurer Katie, some of their own powers are laced throughout this amulet, like signatures energetically embedded, forever bonded to this amulet. You as the keeper command and have Mastership over these Powers. These Powers will never fade or diminish in any way, and will serve you as an infinite Power Boost in Magickal endeavors. In using this, Katie & Athena helped clients with wishes of Strength, Protection, Advancement & Success, in all forms tested, including Wealth through visualization, business prosperity, raises, promotions & investments; Courage, Confidence, Self Respect, Self Esteem, Clarity & Understanding; bullying, gossip/rumors, slander & defamation of character, negative influences (such as “a bad crowd”), financial security, etc.

Mannux has never, nor will he ever, bring harm or danger of any kind to his Keeper, family or friends, unless an individual intends to bring his Keeper great harm – in which case, He possesses a great deal of power that can be dangerous to the would-be assailant.

Mannux has no objection or limitations to his Keeper's affiliations, he is equally suited to any gender, race, age, religion, or lack thereof, etc. This Amulet can be used by any who has a desire for it. All that is required is that you be a true keeper of the light, that you use this highly energized Amulet to bring about positive changes in your life, & the lives of others.

It is best to set aside time for Mannux daily, if only for a minute or two. The ideal time to bond with him is at night, before you go to sleep. Making skin contact is always highly recommended. The closer his vessel is to you, & the more physical contact you initiate, the stronger your bond & connection. The vibrations of the Amulet intertwining as one with your own, establishing a bond that will last for life.

Mannux manifests most often in dreams in human or werewolf form, and in the form of elements & nature. He may manifest as a warm flush, that feels similar to feeling someone's body heat when you're cold; he may make his presence known visually as a shadow out of the corner of your eye, or a flash of light, & sometimes evoking an earthy aroma. However, it is always ideal to keep an open mind when it comes to manifestations & interactions, so as not to unknowingly ignore signs of communication. He can also be given offerings of sandalwood & Palo Santo.

This Vessel of Mannux is extraordinary to behold; it truly is something to see; to understand & feel its energy. If you feel yourself drawn or pulled to Mannux and/or his Vessel amulet, if you find yourself returning back to this listing, daydreaming about him, your mind wandering to him, then you very well may be the One this is intended for. Always follow your initial “gut” feeling, your inner instincts, your birthright Intuition and Sensitivity.