Practical Jyotisha Master, Witch Spellcast Talisman of Extreme Life Transformation
Exquisitely stunning, naturally time-worn rings, which have accumulated much wear & use over time. Hand made many, many Moons ago, they beae no stampings, markings, or signature anywhere, as is common with jewelry made in prior to the first quarter of the 19th Century. There is so much unmistakable character, which only adds to the Antique and Occult value.
For your Metaphysical enrichment, we are ecstatic to offer you an extremely Powerful metaphysical creation that will sever you and your loved ones from the terrible struggles, desperation and constant worries of financial burden.
If you have been searching for a break, a way to change your Finances, your living conditions, your lifestyle, if you long for a chance to break free of the confines of living paycheck to paycheck, a way to do what you truly want with your life, then this is your opportunity. It is time to cast aside doubts and fears. We invite you to step into the incredible Unseen world of true Magick that awaits, where you can live the life you've always known you were meant for and gain all that you desire.
The intricately woven, exquisite set of energies within this fine metaphysical offering will give you the chance to change the way you live your life forever.
A beautiful Magickal creation, this Talisman is very old, and comes from a long time friend, Practical Jyotisha Master, Sahar, whose prosperous, kind, charitable family we have known for many moons, for roughly 40 years.
Sahar was a very, very wise man, of humble origins in India. He was a prodigal Jyotisha Astrologer, and was profoundly skilled in the art of Talisman making. His deeply intuitive discipline and generous, kind demeanor took him to many places and created the Generational Wealth which still carries his descendants to this day, who have followed in his footsteps in both profession and charity.
This Talisman utilizes a rare, mysterious form of Jyotisha (aka Vedic or Hindu astrology), in which the Ancient system of astral light patterns is used in an original form of Magick passed down from the Ancient Sages of the Vedāṅga Jyotisha (one of earliest known Indian texts on Jyotisha). As the basic premise of Jyotisha is, that all things are linked, this secret school of Magick adapts to one's own, Individual dashas (your charts, essentially), and connects them to the Astral Alignments that are the foremost Powerful sources of such transformative elements of Wealth, Empowerment, Freedom, Happiness, and Prosperity.
With such a magnitude of Metaphysical infusions in your life, you will finally open up the gilded gates of Opportunity that you have worked so hard for, for so very long.
Spellcast and Blessed, lovingly and intentionally, this beautiful Talisman possesses the full and complete embodiment of carefully formulated powers that will impact your life in real, tangible, and sometimes unexpected ways. Infused with energies that harness and condense specific, fundamental elements, fully charging this Talisman for eternity, this treasure is intended for one who is ready to actively pursue the Life they want, one who is ready to take a leap of faith and initiate change in their life, for the betterment of themselves, their family, and for the generations to come.
The Power of this piece is dynamic, as it has many, many layers of Metaphysical Infusions cast within it that work together to bring about a life free from financial stress, worry, anxiety. It is a Talisman which is imbued with over 400 individual castings and over 100 individual Elements of Power from Sahar, it additionally has been cast with 93 Master Spells that have each successfully procured the winning of the Lottery by real clients of The Haunted Hive.
Cradled in the bosom of Universal Wealth & Abundance, the Keeper of this piece will experience Blessings in all areas & aspects of Life. Piece by piece you will begin to notice facets of your day to day life Elevate, as the elements of Freedom and Empowerment pour in to fill your Future with Wealth, Prosperity, Comfort, and Happiness.
Bound with infinite Cosmic Energies & Highly Advanced Astrologically Interwoven Castings, the Magick of this piece brings An Abundance of Universal Wealth & Happiness to the One who possesses it, and anyone they wish to share it with, in All aspects & areas of Life.
There will be no lack clarity & clear sight in thoughts & ideas, messages & intuitions you receive, situations, and in other's words & actions. This helps prevent you from being fooled or taken advantage of, & fosters a reading between the lines and promotes quick dissolving of facades.
You will find your Optimism and Energy levels Strengthened and Fortified, that you possess a Power, Centeredness, Confidence and Endurance that radiates a positivity and magnetism to all you encounter, attracting all sorts of people and opportunities your way.
From romantic, sexual relationships to business partners and coworkers, to friendships and family you've been at odds with, the energies within this will strengthen and heal relationships, and promote healthy, honest bonds of Trust.
The Magick within this potent Talisman will rid you of fear and self doubt, giving you the courage and confidence to take on any obstacles and challenges and emerge successfully victorious, bringing you to a place of Opportunity, Prosperity, and Abundance.
You will be surrounded by the Powerful Energetic Magick of this Talisman to bring Universal Wealth in all of your Endeavors, in any areas and aspects that you are in Need, resounding their Powers simply by wearing it or placing it in your home.
By adding these Ancient cosmic and fundamental esoteric energies to your life, you will be blessed with astounding, permanent success in all aspects of your career, romance, sex, love, wealth, and much more!
You will be cradled in the Hand of Fortune, & will experience Manifestations of Wealth in all areas of Life. Your Endeavors will come with surprising ease and happiness, & you will find Wealth which manifests in very real ways in your daily life. It will significantly up your odds & Influence the Energies around you to work in your favor, drawing the Bounties & Blessings that the Universe holds.
Let us prove to you the level of proven, time tested power that we have in our offerings! We have helped countless people that were willing to believe, and we guarantee this will help you too.
Do you wish to continue on as you have been your whole life, or are you ready to seize this rare opportunity & propel yourself forward into a future that is full of Magickal Opportunities? Do you want to experience Life at the forefront of Luck & Good Fortune? The choice is yours & yours alone! Many go their entire lives just waiting for Luck to find them, until One day they realize they regret not taking action long ago.
You will never realize your full potential & all that you are capable of if you never try! What are you waiting for? What are you afraid of? When exploring Good Luck, there is nothing to fear but fear itself!
Greatness has never been achieved by idleness & contempt. Take your journey where ever you desire! Whatever you desire can become your reality!
Become who you are meant to be with this Powerful Talisman & Unlock the Great Powers of the Universe that await you & become the Powerful Being you are destined to be! This same Magick has Granted Fortunes, Fame and Success, Vast Wealth & Riches in many that will allow you to Live the Life you know deep down you were meant for.
Get ready for your life to change quickly! This is a Piece with Exceptional Powers! One does not need to have any prior experience with this Talisman, it is equally ideal for both those new to the exciting world of Metaphysicals, and to those who are experienced, as it adapts to each person's individual life and Spiritual experiences and will cradle you in Wealth, Financial Freedom & Prosperity forever, as this Magick is Unbreakable.
In order for this to work, there are no binding rituals or spells you need to do, it is completely ready for use. All you need is to Believe that it will & set aside a small amount of time each day, even as little as 1-2 minutes where you can sit quietly, hold the piece, and let it's energies enter & cradle your body and spirit, visualizing how you want your Life to be.
You may see wealth & Money, vacationing & traveling, homes, cars, clothes, the feeling of not having to worry about money, the Excitement of not having to work out of necessity & obligation, the Opportunity to do the things you have always wanted to do, the Adventure that awaits in not having the daily stresses & obligations that have always tied you down, the Freedom of Getting to Go Wherever you want, Do whatever you want, Buy whatever you want, Whenever you Want to. Play this in your mind, see it all! With this Powerful Talisman Infused with these specific Energies & your Energy aligned to both them & this Talisman, you are showing the Powers within your Desires & Wishes, your Intentions & Wants, so that they can manifest them & create it as your reality.
May the person that desires this most emerge victorious & go on to live a lavish life, filled with luxury, comfort, spoils, toys, vacations, properties, but moreso than anything, may they live Life with the true Peace & Happiness that comes from Wealth!