Lilith and Xi Wangmu
This is a very special, very old piece which was made in Burkina Faso by a metalsmith of the Nuna. Made of brass, this has an unsoldered seam at the bottom of the band from the technique used to create it. It comes with an infinity chain, but if you prefer another necklace/chain for it, it can very easily be swapped. Worn and used by the Nuna as a finger ring, strung on a necklace as an amulet, woven into the hair as an ornament, and used as ornamentals on pipes, sticks (which hold spiritual meaning), the Nuna used rings such as this with far more versatility than us westerners, using them as Talismans, vessels and divination tools for spirits, ancestors, and elementals. This is a very collectible piece on its own, and is well worth its antique and Occult value.
What a Magickal piece this is, and very special, as it channels not one, but two deities – the first Woman of this Earth, the only existing being that still holds the Immortality of Eden, Lilith, and the wise, Immortal Goddess, the Queen Mother of the West, Xi Wangmu.
Now, it is important to not that this can be used by male or female. It is a common misconception that males should stick with male deities, and females with females, but this simply is not true. In fact, our being drawn to the opposite gender deities, there is much that we can learn.
These two Goddesses each hold their own unique energies and characteristics, of course, however, together they bring to you such immense Divine Feminine Energy, that you surely are about to embark on a new road in your spiritual journey that will bring you to all new heights in both life and spirit. It doesn't have to do with what society sees as masculine/Feminine, it is the feminine energy of the universe, that which humankind and the world in general is severely lacking, and intentionally steered away from. I wrote quite a bit about it here if you'd like to read up more on it:
The true First woman of Earth, Lilith is a Goddess documented by most all Ancient cultures the world over. Her story, Powers, and even her appearance have been eerily similar and often synonymous from culture to culture, including cultures that had no contact whatsoever.
Lilith was made with Adam from the Earth as equal beings of a much higher existence than humans. They were made "in God's Image", not referring to physical appearance as is commonly misinterpreted, but, as Divine Beings of Immortal Wisdom, Enlightened, One with the Universal Creator, with Natural Abilities in the likeness of God.
Adam did not want an equal though, he wanted her subservient, "beneath" him. Lilith refused, and left him, leaving Adam and the Garden of Eden forever.
It is important to highlight that Lilith never ate the forbidden fruit that Adam and his 2nd wife Eve ate; the fruit which made them mortal, the fruit which punished them to live as human sinners of human intelligence.
Therefore, Lilith remained, and still remains, with all the Wisdom and Power given to her from God, as the 1st Immortal of this Earth.
Ever the man-oriented context, most Abrahamic lore would later try to tarnish her image, by fabricating obscene and horrific 8jmyths about her, which are untrue.
Lilith is a Goddess that has been worshipped by many, and has been associated with the Moon, Night, and Wind; Wisdom, Magick, Shapeshifting (Serpent, wings), Power, Eternal Beauty, Sex, and Independence.
In my extensive time researching and investigating Lilith during Astral Travel I was brought to the Ancient Shang dynasty, to a beautiful Asian woman using oracle bones. I was able to decipher exactly what she was doing, and what the oracles were. I was seeing the ancient communications of the wise, Immortal Goddess, the Queen Mother of the West, Xi Wangmu.
Although this Goddess isn't necessarily a household known name in our modern day Western Culture, don’t think for a minute that makes her any less Powerful. Xi Wangmu is one of the very, very few Immortal Goddesses of an exclusive and seldomly spoken of Ancient “Bloodline" of the Immortal Occult, descendants of The Goddess Lilith, born of the same Divine Feminine Energy of Cosmic proportions, known as the Lilithi, sometimes referred to as Lilithians, or Lilithites.
As descendants of Lilith, naturally, the Lilithi are Strong, Powerful, Beautiful, and Empowering Immortals who share a Collective Consciousness of A plethora of Secrets, Hidden Knowledge, and Wisdom, known only to them and their Students, Apprentices.
Xi Wangmu is the fierce Protector and Patron Goddess of Women who live outside the traditional family roles of women, those special women who search for Truth and Greater Purpose in Magick. She watches over Priestesses, Adepts, Sorceresses, Witches, Novices, Apprentices, and Nuns in both life and in Death, providing Potent Psychic, Spiritual and Magickal aid to women of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, often shapeshifting into a beautiful blue bird to convey messages, offer guidance, and to bestow Happiness and Manifestations of her Immortal Generosity.
Sometimes misinterpreted as a goddess of evil, mistakenly seen as fearsome to some, she truthfully is not to be feared. Much like Lilith, her role as a Pillar of Feminine Strength and tenacity has of course, attempted to be tainted by men who are intimidated and envious of her true power. It is this Power which reveals that which is Hidden and Unseen.
The changes you will come to experience with these two Goddesses are undeniably profound. Lilith and Xi Wangmu, their Knowledge, Wisdom, Beauty and Experience of the Occult & Magick are unparalleled . They are incredibly Powerful, Strong, Methodical, and Agile Beings with tremendous Psychic & Magickal Powers.
This endows its Master with the Divine, invoking the Immortal Powers of Lilith and Xi Wangmu, and all that they are, and harnessing all within this ring.
Goddesses of the Highest of standards, there is no limit to the Powers one can obtain under their Elite caliber of Mentoring
Reach New Heights of Awareness, climb to levels of Consciousness that will unlock the Gates to Wealth, Magick, Power, and Wisdom!
It possesses extremely high doses of Divine Magick and Metamorphic Power, the Immortal Energy of the Garden of Eden, that attach themselves to and apply to any and all areas of your Life and Spirit that need it, to Empower you and give you Strength, Deep Inner-Confidence, Great Wisdom, Resounding Influence, Wealth in all of its forms, and so much more. Their generous Powers will always be with you and nobody will be able to obstruct any mission or goal you may have.
The God Given Powers of Lilith and her Immortal Energies of Eden will elevate it's Master to rise to that of Supreme Ability. Her Powers within this Talisman Grant it's Master advantage of absolute Control and Power over any and all. As the Power of Influence rushes through your veins, so you will have the Upper hand over the masses.
They seek out Mortal Students who Desire to expand their Mind and Spirit, to grow and Elevate themselves as a Spiritual Being, to Guide in their Spiritual Journey into the Transformative Path of the Immortal Night.
Develop abilities that give you an unfair advantage over other mortals – find new levels of Respect & Admiration you have never known before.
Spiritual Awakening, Astral Projection/Travel, Spirit Communication, Strengthened Intuition, Heightened Senses, Greater Awareness, Higher Dimensional Planes, Higher states of Consciousness, Increased Psychic Awareness and Abilities - all this and much more are awaiting!
This is a very special Metaphysical vessel. One does not need to have any prior experience with to use this. Simply wear it or carry it with you, keep it close to you, at your bedside, or if you make a little area for it, you can place it there when you're not wearing it. For the greatest Connectivity, it is best to spend at least a few minutes per day wearing this, making direct skin contact, allowing the Divine energies of Lilith and Xi Wangmu to enter your body and intertwine with your Spiritual Matrix.
There are no Rituals or binding spells needed once your Talisman arrives, this is completely ready for use. All that is needed is to accept this small Magickal offering into your life, to keep it with you as much as possible.
Please, The Magick within this is very Ancient & Powerful. This is not a Talisman to treat lightly, & its Powers should be heeded with the Greatest Respect. To be the Master of such a Powerful Talisman, is to be the Master of your own future.