Premier Rothschild Private Museum Ritual Relic of Purified Illuminati Wealth
An absolutely stunning piece, one of the most exquisite to have ever graced our collection in my lifetime. A hauntingly beautiful piece, both a brooch and a pendant, this highly detailed treasure features a large, faceted, deep blood red glass gem in an openwork filigree golden hued setting, made of what appears to be brass. Though the exact composition is unknown, it is a spectacular piece, easily the showstopper addition to one’s collection.
*Please note, the energy this exudes is extremely strong, and may at first be overwhelming, particularly to those who are already sensitive.
For the very careful consideration of the metaphysical collector, from our Premier collection, it is our distinct honor to present a once in a lifetime relic. A true rarity in both beauty and Magick, this is certainly a piece for the serious collector.
Easily one of, if not the most famous family names in history, the Rothschilds name began with Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his 5 sons in the latter half of the 18th century; their name then and now most famously known for and associated with - the banking business, and, of course, the Illuminati.
The Rothschilds spread out across Europe, creating an international banking business with them Magick and Power the Illuminati provided them. To the Illuminati, it was a mutually beneficial move. London, Paris, Vienna, Naples & Frankfurt were, and still are prominent locations to utilize for such growth and influence. This is what solidified their name as a blood dynasty, and as one of the wealthiest and most powerful private fortunes in the world.
Coming from a very small collection of only a few items we obtained from the Rothschilds' Waddesdon Manor, this rare piece is a Rothschild relic with an origin as rich as it’s power.
I cannot reveal the source or relative circumstances in which this was obtained, or how we acquired it, for the privacy & safety of those involved.
Located in the Aylesbury Vale of Buckinghamshire, Waddesdon Manor was originally built for Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild as a weekend “country house" for grand entertaining and as a setting for his collection of treasures. It is a lavish residence of 18th-century interiors - masterpieces created by the royal French porcelain manufactory of Sèvres, furniture produced by the most significant French craftsmen of the 18th century - much of it made for the royal family court. The floors covered with Savonnerie carpets exclusive to the Crown, tapestries from the royal Gobelins and Beauvais workshops, and Paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries by famous Dutch, Flemish and French artists hang from wall, fitted with priceless, original 18th century silk fabrics. It is a place of decadence and accurate historical significance in each piece, a collection that would be the envy of any of today’s museums.
But there is more that the Rothschilds collect aside from the priceless paintings, arms and armor, smoking pipes, trinket boxes and other fineries though. And, there's more to the Rothschilds than their wealth and ritzy soirees. Ferdinand, his sister Alice, cousin Edmond and most recently Lord Rothschild were hardcore collectors of Metaphysicals, and Waddesdon was the perfect place to house them. I mean, Ferdinand had the chateaux built from the ground up, literally, so naturally he had some hidden passageways and a hidden room - wouldn't you? Of course which you will not find on any blueprint. This is where their most precious of pieces were, and are still kept to this day. This room they called the Secretorium.
Now, although the Secretorium was the home to this piece for some time, it had a vivid life prior to that, in the hands of the French “branch” of the family, with Baroness Marie-Hélène Naila Stephanie Josina de Rothschild.
The daughter of a titled Dutch diplomat and an eccentric Egyptian socialite, wife to Baron Guy de Rothschild, patriarch of the French branch of the banking family, Marie-Hélène was a legendary woman of utter extravagance. Known amongst the highest of elite as the ‘Queen’ of Paris, her reign both the rose and the thorn. She ruled with such a decadent fusion of charismatic intimidation and fear, it left her ball gown and tuxedo clad targets exhausted.
Never lacking in resources, Marie-Hélène was absolutely unmatched in her ability to host the most extravagant and inventive balls and soirees anyone had ever seen. The setting for the lavish parties was always Château de Ferrières.
Located about 15 miles outside of Paris, Château de Ferrières was Marie-Hélène’s childhood home. Seized by the Nazis during World War II, it remained empty until Marie-Hélène and Baron Guy de Rothschild reopened it in 1959.
During the 1960s, Château de Ferrières became the “it” place in France. Marie-Hélène never ceased to bedazzle and impress all who attended with elaborate motifs, with every little detail meticulously tended to. Word of her parties travelled far and wide, piquing the interest of all. Attendees were the likes of power mashups of royalty, government officials, artists (Dalí, Warhol), academic ; show business types, first ladies, bankers, movie stars, fashion designers, and socialites.
One of the most famous of all was the Surrealist Ball, hosted on December 12th, 1972 at Château de Ferrières. The invitation, inspired by René Magritte’s 1929 painting “The False Mirror”, the invitation was written backwards, requiring a mirror to read. This is an example of inversion, the practice of subverting Christian norms in favor of more blasphemous beliefs.
Instructing guests to wear black tie, long gowns, and to arrive bearing “Surrealist heads”, the attendees more than delivered.
Upon arrival, guests found the Château de Ferrières drenched in orange lights, to give the appearance of walking into infernal fire. Now, to most this would be symbolic of the fires of hell, which, it was, however, there was a far deeper meaning behind it – a ‘hint’ to what awaited within. But, we’ll get into that in a minute.
Within was a labyrinth, butlers dressed and posed as sleeping cats, various displays of bizarre decadence, from a lifesize naked woman laid on a table made entirely of sugar, a garden of shoes, and broken and ghastly dolls, just to name but a few glimpses of what this ball looked like.
I could get into the symbolism of the centerpieces, however, that would make for an entirely far too long description of this piece, and, although related to this piece, they're not directly relevant to the piece itself - some of them are more contextual to the Rothschilds, and some are pretty obvious. I think that would make for a better blog post than to add all of that in here, really.
The true centerpiece of this event though was the Baroness Marie-Hélène herself. As described in the New York Times, Marie-Hélène was dressed as “a stag at the kill, with a mask of towering antlers and pear-shaped diamond ‘tears’ on her face” (real diamonds, of course).
Aside from all the glitz and glamour, the serious name dropping of royalty – both literal and social – in case you couldn’t tell from the over-the-top occult symbolism, there was much more to this event than what would have ever been reported in the papers.
Beneath Marie-Hélène’s diamond encrusted stag mask, beneath the obvious, was this incredible piece.
Only a select few at the Surrealist Ball had the privilege of seeing this precious treasure firsthand. You see, as with most all events like this hosted by the Rothschilds, there was almost always another motive, a purpose outside of the obvious imagery and display of prestige, influence, wealth…and only a select few were ever aware of it.
Deep within the exquisitely wallpapered halls echoing with the sounds of crystal glasses being toasted and eccentric voices telling stories of personal glory, a small number of the extravagantly costumed guests were invited into a separate room. Said to be pitch black, each guest was given a candle from Marie-Hélène, who lit each candle with hers. This was the only light in the room.
As the candles were lit, the guests could see a centerpiece of sorts in the center of their circle. It was small, but elaborate nonetheless, resembling both a laboratory experiment and a ritual altar – encircled by ribbons, hanging, which were fixed to a ritual bowl containing some sort of dry mixture. Above that a set of cast iron bars, fixed to support something.
It is not clear how many there were in total, including Marie-Hélène. Some have said 7 or 8, some say 11, and some believe it to be 12 or 13, depending if Marie-Hélène was included in the count or not. We believe there were 9, including Marie-Hélène.
These were the most ‘heavy hitting players’ out of all the guests, to whom such rituals were expected at such events with the Rothschilds. They were the wealthiest, most influential, and most powerful.
Gathered in a circle, each of the elite ritual doers was required to spill a drop of their blood onto/into a glass of some kind (we’re not sure if it was a glass goblet or a glass plate of some kind) passing around a special ritual piece to pierce the skin. It’s not clear if this ritual piece was a blade or possibly a needle. And so each did, each invoking their greatest strengths and areas of power, success and value, specifically Generational Wealth, Persuasion, Investment Prosperity, Banking Success, Creative Thinking, Business Strategy, Influence, and Financial Genius.
Each stepped closer inward and we’re told to light a ribbon with their candle. As they did, the ribbons burned upward, lighting the dry mixture into a small, but pretty intense flame.
Now, with all of their invoked powers, united within this glass, this is what was placed above the flame, purifying and cleansing whilst solidifying into one and invoked into one singular piece – this piece being offered to you today; a conglomeration of the strongest magick and Power they each had to offer, purified and cleansed through the fire – and this is where the true meaning behind the grand entrance was realized.
With each of these individuals, though we do not know precisely whom they were, based upon who attended the ball, one can assume with ample confidence that they each likely had quite an impressive occult ‘resume’. This was the elite of the elite of that time. Not just anybody was invited to a Rothschild ball - only those within the same circles of magickal caliber as the Rothschilds themselves. And, not just anybody, even if they were in the same circles, was invited by Marie-Hélène.
Needless to say the Powers within this are of an unprecedented level of Magick so exclusive to the elite; that only people like the Rothschilds have ever wielded it. It is the kind of Magick which is so grand, Marie-Hélène herself immortalized it forever within this exquisite piece.
In the 100+ years we have spent curating and collecting Metaphysical Curiosities, this is the most significant piece of Rothschild occult history
This is Magick of the highest achievement; Magick of such secret, ancient, forbidden knowledge, the likes of which very, very few have ever experienced.
Given the extraordinarily intense nature of this Talisman’s Magick, we must make one point absolutely clear: this piece is for one who is prepared for change, who invites it, who will embrace that which it holds with an open hand and a good heart.
The one who brings this into their everyday life must be ready for the kind of changes that will not only alter your existence in this lifetime, but that of your future descendants. Be sure that you are wise with yourself, your actions, your words, and how you instill such wisdom within your children.
Just as Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his 5 sons took managed to change the entire face and industry of banking, leaving their imprint upon the world in a tangible way, so too will this align you and yours with the same power; that which literally changed society & the way in which the world functions.
An heirloom and celebrated Rothschild relic, this metaphysical investment gives you the same magick which flowed in rivers to the Rothschilds themselves via Marie-Hélène. For you too, it will generate positive impact & change elevating and enlightening your mind, body, and spirit to new levels of awakening; securing opportunities for growth, advancement, success, and prosperity in all areas of your life.
We are proud to offer this relic, and we stand behind its Magick with complete confidence. It will give you downloads and insights, to be in the right place at the right time, to have the inner knowledge and/or inner knowing to step into the evolutionary path of the most elite and powerful Blood dynasties in history, to make your mortal time on this Earth – and that of your children's and future generations - to be one of respected Legacy.
There are no rituals or spells you must perform once this arrives.
All that is required is to accept this piece into your life with trust and respect for it’s power, and continue living as you do, on the path of self mastery. The more effort you put forth in the path of self mastery, the greater the manifestations of Magick, the greater the results.
To be the Master of such a powerful, significant metaphysical relic of revolutionary social and global financial change – the possibilities are immeasurable.
Please, The Magick within this is not to be treat lightly, & should be heeded with the greatest respect.