RESERVED Blood of the Knights Templar: Powerful Talisman of Sacred Teachings, Hidden Knowledge | Premier Collection
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A beautiful free-form ring, abstract and very natural in compositional aesthetic. The exact physical composition and age are unknown.
For the consideration of the serious collector, we present to you an extraordinary metaphysical treasure unlike any other we have ever offered. Obtained via one of our highest level contacts who has secured a number of precious magickals for us over the years, this is an extremely special piece, and a valued part of our Premier collection.
We are honored to offer such a powerful and rare talisman to our discerning clientele.
The power within this piece hails from a very specific time in history, a time and proverbial “place” in which good vs greed, church vs monarchy, and Pope vs King led to one of the darkest periods in history for the Knights Templar, a period in which sources today would have you believe the Knights Templar came to an end. But, if you are here reading this now, you already know that, when it comes to history thats taught to the masses, narrative often supersedes truth. Truth is often left with those who lost, or, in this case, those who had no choice but secrecy in order for the truth, and their lives, to prevail under the crushing weight of monarchial power. And thus, it is from this secrecy in which the power of this talisman was born, and has been part of the Knights Templar’s innermost circles ever since.
To fully understand what this talisman is exactly, first we must go over some history.
At the general Church council held at Vienne from 1311 to 1312, King Philip IV of France was in charge. Philip secretly wanted to get out of debt to the Templars, and he wanted to seize their assets, so his plan was to claim they did a bunch of horrible things. He made sure that at this council, only bishops supporting him (and not Pope Clement) were present.
However, even under the pressure from the French King, the bishops still voted in a large majority against abolishing the Templars and said the charges against them were not proven.
Philip threatened violence against Clement once again, pressuring him to condemn his predecessor (Boniface) as a heretic. Well, Pope Clement betrayed the Templars to save his own position, as deeming Boniface a heretic would endanger his own position as his papal successor. Clement praised “our dear son in Christ, Philip, the illustrious king of France”. He even went so far as to say, “He was not moved by greed. He had no intention of claiming or appropriating for himself anything from the Templars’ property.”
Which is, of course, a sack of lies.
But the Templars didn’t just fork over their money and property to Philip like he wanted. The pope, showing some actual courage, assigned the Templar assets over to the Hospitallers (the Knights of the Hospital), and he never publicly stated whether or not the Template were indeed guilty of heresy and other crimes.
Philip of course did get his cut though and was out of debt to an order that, to everyone else’s knowledge, no longer existed.
The Templars did, in fact, still exist. They had to keep themselves hidden though.
Now, fast forward to 2001 when a Vatican researcher (Barbara Frale) discovered a document within the archived that had been “misfiled”. This document is known as the Chinon Parchment, which details the investigation and trial records from 1307 to 1312, in Latin, and proves that Pope Clement didn’t actually believe the Templars were guilty of the outlandish crimes King Philip accused them of.
Despite this, in 1314, the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake as a heretic after he retracted his tortured confession and claimed his innocence. As he was walked to his death at the stake, Grand Master Jacques de Molay issued a statement that he would meet Pope Clement and King Philip with God within a year, and indeed, both Pope Clement and King Philip died shortly after! This wasn’t just Molay serving personal justice, but for all the Templars who were tortured and killed due to the Pope and King’s actions. You see, it really began long before Vienne, when the Templars were rounded up on Friday the 13th of October, 1307. King Philip ordered the arrest of all Knights Templar in France. At dawn on the that fateful Friday the 13th, scores of French Templars were simultaneously arrested by agents of King Philip, tortured into admitting heresy and other sacrilegious offenses, then they were then put to death.
The Templars, not only being the greatest military and religious orders, possessed incredible wealth but even more so, knowledge – sacred and ancient teachings of ancient power, secret knowledge, and sacred magick that, one can trace back long before the existence of the Templars – 4,500 years ago.
The Templars knew that a great and tumultuous hardship was coming, and so prepared, gathering their most important and most sacred teachings, relics, and magick and creating a number of talismans to hold it all together. These were kept in such a way that no outsider would ever be able to locate them. Employing the systematics they developed in their pilgrimage banks but on a much more limited, hidden scale, these talismans were much like safety deposit boxes which could only be found and accessed by a few, and those who had the knowledge of their whereabouts passed down to them. They made it so only those few would be able to find them and access them, and that they would need to come together as the brotherhood they were to piece it all together.
And that is exactly what they did, and what brings us here to this magnificent piece.
Now, the period following the Templar bloodshed was turbulent and extremely complex, with some Templars going to Scotland, namely Kilwinning Abbey in Ayrshire.¹ (there’s an interesting tidbit that, while unrelated to this piece, is still quite fascinating that I’ll include at the bottom of this listing), some to Spain, many scattered throughout Europe. During that time (the 1100’s – 1500’s) were the Inquisitions and the Catholic hunt for heretics, which also served the purpose of weeding out false converts. It was out of this period of Catholic turmoil that the Jesuits appeared (also known as the Society of Jesus) in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions with approval from Pope Paul III.
A career soldier of noble birth, Ignatius joined the military at 17. He had great leadership qualities but also quite the reputation as a womanizer. In 1517 he became a knight in the service of Antonio Manrique de Lara, duke of Najera and viceroy of Navarre, who employed him in various military undertakings and diplomatic missions. This little detail is extremely important because Ignatius’ time with Antonio, while at the time didn’t influence him much, the effects of his influence came later when Ignatius suffered a major injury.
You see, after shattering his right leg via a cannonball at the Battle of Pamplona during the Italian War of 1521-26, he returned to his father’s castle in Loyola. His leg permanently changed (they managed to save it with several surgeries but it was much shorter than the other leg), his military career was over. While recovering from the surgery, Ignatius had a spiritual awakening, and this is when Antonio’s influence took hold, the influence of what had been passed down to him from the Templars. It was then that that Ignatius was awakened to what lies within this piece, what countless men risked and gave their lives for, for the future of man.
If you follow the lineage back from Antonio Manrique de Lara, there is a link between his family and the Templars. The first Duke of Najera was Pedro Manrique de Lara, who was granted the title for his service to Ferdinand II of Aragon, the husband of Queen Isabella I of Castile and, as a result, King of Castile himself.
The lineages of both Pedro Manrique de Lara and Ferdinand II of Aragon represent a who’s who of the nobility of Aragon, Castile, Leon, Catalonia and Navarra that stems back to the 12th Century and Alfonso VII of Leon and Castile, and Pedro de Molina, a Castilian nobleman and military leader of the House of Lara, who was also Viscount of Narbonne and a fearsome military commander of Spain’s southern frontier. Pedro was a regular patron of the military order of the Knights of Calatrava, who worked at times with the Knights Templar.
Well, you’d be hard-pressed not to find links between the Iberian Peninsula and the Templars, who had established themselves in the Spanish provinces of Castile and Leon, Aragon, Catalonia and Navarra, building about a hundred commanderies to provide income to finance the knights’ military activities.
Now, back to Ignatius.
After he recovered his mobility, he visited the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat to confess his sins, giving up his sword and clothes of finery at the altar during an overnight vigil.
Ignatius lived in Manresa (Catalonia) for the next year, splitting his time between what would become known as his “Spiritual Exercises” (praying for 7 hours a day and developing the fundamentals of what was to come) and doing chores at a hospital for food and lodging. He kept careful notes of his experiences in prayer, notes that formed the basis of the Spiritual Exercises. This book, revised and adjusted throughout his life, was used by Ignatius to lead others to an experience of God by meditation on the life of Jesus.
Not long after an interrupted pilgrimage to the Holy Land (he was soon sent back to Europe by the Franciscans), he returned to Barcelona (at the age of 33) and attended a free school in preparation for university entrance, later enrolling at the University of Alcala where he studied theology and Latin.
It was there he attracted the attention of a group called the Alumbrados (“The Illuminated”). The Alumbrados practiced a mystical form of Christianity in the Crown of Castile during the 1400’s and 1500’s, believing that the human soul could achieve such perfection it could sense the presence of God and comprehend the mystery of the Trinity.
They had previously been called before the Inquisition for their zeal in regards to Franciscan reform, and as a result of this association, Ignatius was also singled out but was later released.
He then moved to France to study at the University of Paris – attending the ascetic College de Montaigu before moving on to the College Sainte-Barbe for his Master’s degree.
While a student in Paris, Ignatius drew together a small group of friends who gathered in extended prayer and meditation according to his Spiritual Exercises, with his closest colleagues being Francis Xavier and Peter Faber. Over the next few years, they were joined by others, and in the spring of 1539 when Ignatius and his companions were in Rome, they vowed to work together to serve God by helping souls. What emerged was a formula for their future, and on September 27, 1540, Pope Paul III approved this formula and the Society of Jesus, or, the Jesuits, was born.
Ignatius was chosen as the first superior general of the order. The formal title being “Praepositus Generalis”, Latin for “provost-general”, which is more commonly called Father General. Elected by the General Congregation for life or until he resigns; he is confirmed by the pope and has absolute authority in running the Society.
Under Ignatius’ charismatic leadership, the Society of Jesus grew quickly. Jesuit missionaries played a leading role in the Counter-Reformation and won back many of the European faithful who had been lost to Protestantism. In Ignatius’ lifetime, Jesuits were also dispatched to India, Brazil, the Congo region, and Ethiopia. Education was of utmost importance to the Jesuits, and in Rome Ignatius founded the Roman College (later called the Gregorian University) and the Germanicum, a school for German priests. The Jesuits also ran several charitable organizations, such as one for former prostitutes and one for converted Jews. When Ignatius de Loyola died in July 1556, there were more than 1,000 Jesuit priests. Ignatius de Loyola was canonized a Catholic saint in 1622.
The Jesuits were quite the society, where members were expected to go anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat, where they might need to live in extreme conditions, all to spread their doctrine. They were absolutely instrumental in spreading Catholicism to the world, establishing missions across the globe from the 1500’s to the 1700’s.
During the next century, the Jesuits set up ministries around the globe. The “Black-Robes,” as they were known in Native America, often preceded other Europeans in their infiltration of foreign lands and societies. The life of a Jesuit was one of immense risk, and thousands of priests were persecuted or killed by foreign authorities hostile to their mission of conversion.
With the rise of nationalism in the 1700’s, most European countries suppressed the Jesuits. They were met with much controversy and were expelled from most countries in Europe. Some countries even resorted to execution. I mean, it was bad just how despised the Jesuits were. As but one example, Étienne François, the Foreign Minister of France, who had a strong influence on France, and even on Spain’s global strategy, firmly believed that the Society was a shadow government, believing that “the Society was involved in and able to influence everything.” Thus in 1773 Pope Clement XIV, not surprisingly a member of the competing order of the Franciscan friars, even went so far as to totally “abolish” the Jesuit Order by his papal bull “Dominus ac Redemptor Noster ”.
However, in some nations, such as India and China, the Jesuits were welcomed as men of wisdom and science.
In 1814 pope Pius VII issued the Bull “Sollicitudo Omnium Ecclesiarum” that abrogated Clement XIV’s bull suppressing the Society, reestablishing the Jesuits as an order, and they continue their missionary work to this day.
Quite the back and forth polarity of receptivity!
It is no wonder, truly, as the spirituality practiced by the Jesuits, called Ignatian spirituality, ultimately based on the Catholic faith and the gospels, is drawn from the Constitutions, The Letters, and Autobiography, and most importantly, from Ignatius’ “Spiritual Exercises”, whose purpose is “to conquer oneself and to regulate one’s life in such a way that no decision is made under the influence of any inordinate attachment”. The Exercises culminate in a contemplation whereby one develops a facility to “find God in all things”.
If you’re here reading this, the chances that you’re “hip to the jive” about the real inner workings of our world are extremely high, and I needn’t even begin to explain how and why the concept of finding God in all things and getting closer to God, to understanding, is a massive threat to those who not only pull the strings, but created the strings themselves.
During the time in which the Jesuits were shunned and pushed out of western society, the secrets passed down from the Templars and down to Ignatius were kept so well hidden that we don’t truly know exactly who and where they were carried to, save for that they were kept safe, secret, hidden, and accessed only by the highest ranking members, which is why and how they remain such a large influence to this day, even though many are unaware, and their numbers in reality are actually quite small (14,195 as of 2023)!
They of course played a seminal role in all Catholic reform movements since the Counter-Reformation (third session of the Council of Trent 1562–63) up to the preparation of the Second Vatican Council of 1962–65, but their major influence was obtained through their near monopoly on the Catholic secondary education for the elite.
Through the centuries, the Jesuits have been known as the “intellectuals” of the Roman Catholic Church, and some have been entrusted with many secrets and teachings that are not available to the general public. Over the last 400 years, the men who have attended these colleges and universities have gone on to achieve greatness, excellence, positions of power, fame, and legacy.
Bill Clinton • Charles de Gaulle • Jacques Delors • Benigno Aquino III • René Descartes • Voltaire • Denis Diderot • Marquis de Condorcet • Fidel Castro • Luis Buñuel
You can find a much more comprehensive list here
From the Knights Templar to Pedro Manrique de Lara, Pedro de Molina, the Knights of Calatrava, Antonio Manrique de Lara, the Alumbrados, the formation of the Jesuits in 1540, and all in between them and now, the bits and pieces that were carried by these men (and women sometimes, too!) have helped shape the world as we know it, behind the closed doors they were forced to inhabit.
Forged from the wrongfully spilled blood of the legendary Knights Templar, infused with potent magickal energies that have been carefully cultivated over centuries, there is SO much power within this magnificent piece, the feeling you get when near it is palpable.
When you possess the Blood of the Knights Templar talisman, you will be imbued with the ancient knowledge and power of these legendary men. There is so much to this piece that it is, in actuality, quite difficult to articulate into words. Those who have possessed it have manifested their desires with great speed and precision, as if the very universe itself is bending to your will.
The Blood of the Knights Templar talisman is a potent tool for those who seek to achieve their goals, whether they be financial success, spiritual enlightenment, or anything in between.
With the power that lies within this talisman, ordinary men have become men of legend and legacy.
The power within this can take many forms, and will be forced into your life through this ring.
The sacred gains you will come to have, have been carried down for a reason. This is power that came from the Knights Templar themselves and long before, and after. There will be revelations of divine and hidden knowledge, of things unknown. The profound impact you will experience from possessing this piece will forever change your world. There will be nothing that can hold you back in this life.
Possessing and physically touching this incredible piece is an experience in and of itself. From the very moment you touch this ring you will realize you've purchased something truly extraordinary.
To use the talisman, simply hold it in your hand or wear it close to your body, allowing its energies to flow into you, its power to integrate with your spiritual matrix. Visualize your desires with great clarity and focus, and open yourself to the greatness it holds. When you are not using it, it must be kept safe, whether that is with you wearing it, or locked in your safe, etc. There Is no need for any specific rituals, as, the ring itself holds all the magick needed.
Knowledge is power, and through the acquisition of knowledge, one can achieve great things in life. This talisman is designed to help you tap into this ancient wisdom and magickal power, so that you can manifest your desires and achieve whatever greatness means to you.
From those who came before you, those who will come after you, those who have facilitated this passing of the proverbial torch, when you become the Master of this piece, you are facilitating the passing of knowledge and fulfilling what the Knights Templar set out to do nearly 1,000 years ago. You will have a direct line to the knowledge of all those who came before you.
We are honored to offer this rare and precious treasure to you, and we know that it will bring you great joy and empowerment that you will cherish for years to come.
Thank you for your interest in this Metaphysical treasure. May the magick of the Knights Templar and the Jesuits guide and protect you on your journey
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask, I am always happy to help in any way I can.
If you feel intuitively pulled or energetically drawn to any of our Magickals, know that we are here to offer these relics to all, regardless of one's economic status. You can be assured, we treat all offers with respect and dignity, and openly invite you to submit your offer to
We believe that everyone deserves to have Positive and Profound Metaphysical experiences, and it is our mission to serve fellow Truth Seekers and Spirit Keepers; to awaken and inspire the Magick in others, one person at a time
¹ Coincidentally perhaps, Kilwinning is also the site of the oldest Masonic site in the world, Lodge Mother Kilwinning, with origins allegedly dating back to the 12th Century. Legend has it that Kilwinning Abbey itself was also founded between 1162-88 and built by stonemasons who had travelled from Europe, more than 20 years after the formation of the Knights Templar. Now, this is far from being conclusive, but you’d have to concede it’s a pretty big coincidence that a small corner of the Garnock Valley in Scotland could be ground zero for the foundation of the Freemasons and perhaps once a resting place for the Holy Grail.