RESERVED: Illuminati Legacy Ring of Creative Inspiration and Artistic Ability
Please note, this piece is reserved
Size 8
Every Illuminati Legacy Ring has it’s own distinct character that reflects a unique, individual history. This exquisitely timeworn ring has a purple cabochon, and an openwork thatching pattern on either side of the band. There is some oxidation and the cabochon has visible signs of much use from its Keepers of the past.
Like most Illuminati Legacy Rings we have come across in our 140, fortunate years in this field, the apparent creation techniques, aesthetic design, wear, and patina are consistent with bronze, silver, and mixed metal rings from post Medieval to late 1700’s Eastern Europe, featuring artisanal gemstones of glass, paste, as well as natural stones, Crystals and coral. So magnificently time-worn, we believe most of these hand made rings date to a bare minimum of approximately 120 years old, to approximately 200 years old, though we believe some may actually be much older. This one appears to have been made within the past 125 years.
Each is in it’s own unique state of condition having natural inconsistencies and patina as one finds in handmade jewelry of such age and provenance, the once intricate designs on some of the bands have been worn down to a sooth surface in areas from decades upon centuries worn upon the finger from one owner to the next.
Please remember, Legacy rings are not new, modern rings, but rather, they are antique, some verging into antiquity, with use and wear commensurate with such age. All have so much character, which only adds value to antique relics such as this.
For your metaphysical and creative curiosity, I am very excited to present a genuine Illuminati Legacy Ring; an extremely rare, personal metaphysical relic from individual members of the worldwide Illuminati, which holds its Masters’ essential, esoteric records of secrets, knowledge, wisdom, rituals of operations, powers and abilities, to upload to your spiritual DNA matrix.
This particular ring is one of the few that we have personally kept and used. You see, with most Illuminati Legacy rings, you don’t really know what one particular ring is all about until you wear it.
It is completely safe, and this one in particular is probably the most innocent of all Illuminati rings we have ever had. It is purely filled with creative energy, and really helps give you a boost of creative inspiration and ability. This ring is just busting with an abundance of creativity, inspiration, ability, and creative thinking!
Obtained from a longtime trusted underground contact who is part of an Elite, 2nd generation group of undercover secret society infiltrators - highly, highly skilled men set to extract Magickal objects of power, and distribute that power – at a cost – to the public. By public, I mean through various “exchange portals" which first put them into the hands of Metaphysical dealers through underground auctions, or, if you're a Metaphysical Curatrix like me who happens to have a long standing connect with one of these brave individuals, then you usually get special preference.
This is the same contact of ours that obtained the series of Illuminati Legacy Rings from the 2018 Bohemian Grove gathering that we offered when we transitioned platforms from eBay to our own site, and all the others we have offered since then.
This contact and their 1st generation undercover parent, were involved in the Northeast US, and several undisclosed places throughout Europe and east Asia during the 1st quarter of 2019 in a mission of acquisition of obtaining Illuminati relics, through a series of ritualistic meetings, gatherings and events that transpired amongst the worldwide Illuminati.
We obviously cannot disclose the exact whereabouts of these meeting places. I'm sure you can understand why.
The meetings of the Illuminati are shrouded in absolute secrecy, where meetings of the mind take place for those who control the masses, who see all the world their stomping grounds, using means kept hidden from the populace to rise to wealth and power. These are heavily guarded meeting places meant to impress, entertain, and empower those who already can do and have anything they desire – were Magick, spectacle, and power flow as freely as the monsoon rain, like a heathenistic bazaar for the world's rich and powerful; a brouhaha of the elite super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains, high government officials, Hollywood movie stars, producers, entertainers, global CEO's and royalty gather to indulge in occult rituals and untold practices. Attended to not merely sustain their power grip, but to amplify their worldwide power, wealth and control; sharing Information, Magick, and God only knows what to stay ahead of the ever changing, continuously morphing game that is ultimate control. With so many men of the highest positions of power from all over the world, one can only imagine the happenings.
Illuminati Legacy Rings are something each and every Illuminati possesses. They are empowered with some of the most secretive and esoteric, long hidden Illuminati secrets. They are an essential, esoteric record of its Master's (or Masters') Magickal operations, holding wisdom passed down to them from the ancient Mystery Schools, Magick with origins dating back to King Solomon, and even earlier. Each ring holds it's own, individual, unique record and its own surprise power(s).
Although each Legacy ring has it's own unique benefits, there are what’s called Foundational Elements that each and every piece has in common; robust, dominant powers of material wealth, dominance, and control. These three fundamentals are the common denominators in every subgroup that makes up the Illuminati, and each individual Master integrates more and more of these powers into their energetic network in their own way. What this means for you, is that you will always have these powers with you, working for you in your favour.
As the Master of an Illuminati Legacy Ring, you will tap into the secret knowledge they hold so close, and discover some of their powers, mechanisms and mysterious ways in which the secret elite control the masses.
Any and all practices, operations, ceremonies, rituals, abilities, or spellcasting that it's Master had ever partook in; any and all wisdom and knowledge it's Master has ever learned or attained through mystikal methodology, every piece of 'data' from their tri-conscious matrix, will be “uploaded” to you as it’s new Master.
For us non-illuminati folk, having even a sneak peek at this massive, insane amount of ultra secret knowledge, powers, abilities and ancient wisdom is unheard of.
Now, having an authentic Illuminati Legacy Ring, many of those within the worldwide Illuminati are in fact part of the internal sects that make up the worldwide Illuminati – The Knights Templar, Bilderberg Group, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, Hellfire, Freemasons, just to name a few. These are men who have dominated the world. With Illuminati Legacy Rings, it is not uncommon for its new Master to find they possess unlearned knowledge, skills, or abilities, some of which they may not have expected.
You may come to possess deep knowledge of the stock market, knowing things the public does not have access to. You may have knowledge of the location of various treasures and riches – within crypts, tombs, monuments, estates, and the like, or, you may intuitively know the locations where there are vast oil deposits waiting to be tapped into, or where there’s gems and gold waiting to be mined. You may suddenly know how to cook like a gourmet chef, or, you may understand an unlearned language. You may have the ability to play an instrument, or have an understanding of financial markets, investments, and insider information. You may suddenly have mastery of Taekwon-Do, archery, fencing, chess, mathematics, code breaking, hacking, or conjuring. You may have the ability to suddenly know how to communicate with spirits, cast spells, you may come to understand and know things you yourself have not learned by your own doing – astronomy, Roman history, government cover-ups, political secrets, various forms of Magick, and more.
The knowledge, secrets, abilities and wisdom you will attain are unique to each and every Legacy Ring, and what it’s Master(s) experienced in life and spirit. One ring may have belonged to a famous politician with top secret classified information, a banking exec, royalty, a Master Alchemist, an Owl Master, one may be of elite skill in mind control, an academic genius, or a prodigy in playing an instrument, a famous actor, artist, musician, or athlete, A Master Conjurer, Demon Magician, Djinn Sorcerer etc.
Your Legacy Ring will give you all the knowledge of it’s previous Master, to see and know all things they saw and knew; to be able to do all things they could do.
The Magick in these pieces is extreme, some of the strongest around and is felt when you place the piece on. Simply wear it upon your finger or on a cord as a necklace, and meditate with the piece, allowing your mind to be receptive of its unique benefits.