Vampire Transformation Spirit Vessel, Mariana
Size: Although this measures a 9 on a ring sizer, it is too small for one who needs a 9. I would realistically say it would be better suited for between a size 8-8.5. An attractive, very bohemian aesthetic silver toned mixed metal ring with intricate, very fine details, featuring an infinity symbol raised upon the crown. In good vintage condition.
I am very excited to present to you a spirit vessel intended only for those who desire to become an energy vampire, or those who already are, but wish to become more powerful. If you do not place within one of these two specifics, this is not the item for you.
Within this ring lies the full and complete embodiment of the vampire sorceress, Mariana. An extraordinary being, she is a highly, highly evolved being that exists in both the physical realm and astral plane, traveling freely between them, bringing physical manifestations to the 3rd dimension, the seen world, in which she has powers to assist you in your transformational journey to advance to a higher level of enlightenment, new levels of spirituality, and supernatural advancement.
Mariana seeks one who desires her immortal gifts of power, who longs for the power of energy vampires, whether you are one already, or wish to be.
Those who already have undergone their transformation of transcending into their destiny as an energy vampire will be astounded by the power boost Mariana brings you. She will be your ultimate spiritual companion, mentor, guide, and your essential resource for the development of your vampire powers
Mariana is highly proficient in working with her companion through meditative rituals & exercises, and dream communication, and can also assist in spirit communication. She works with all energies of the universe to draw positive influences into your life, influencing & creating opportunity & success when it comes to any life aspect that you wish to improve.
Not only that, but Mariana’s presence in your life can reverse, stop, banish, deflect & shield you from any & all undesired energies and forces, such as gossip, bad luck, bad karma, curses, hexes, spiritual attacks, harmful intentions, self destructive thoughts & behaviors, and more.
Once you choose to be her companion, you will be filled with a greater understanding of the universe and greater power in all of your work, in all aspects of your existence.
When a vampire such as Mariana chooses you and you choose to be their companion, you will have a guardian & mentor with you always, to help guide you, understand you, someone who will be with you always to help you achieve all that you wish for & desire.
Using her immortal magick – she will transform your spiritual matrix with the energetic vibrational frequencies of an energy vampire, stripping away lower vibrational energies from your spiritual bodies, and amplifying your vampiric energies and power.
Thus, it transmutes your matrix into that if an energy vampire – however, for those who have already become so (be it naturally, through awakening, through another vampire, or other form) – your powers will be amplified on a massive scale. All the energy that would have gone into your tranformation is channeled fully into the amplification of what you already are; super charging your power as an energy vampire, and all that you are presently capable of in your abilities, and bringing forth what areas you have not yet had access to.
Do you wish to continue on as you have been your whole life, or are you ready to seize this rare opportunity & propel yourself forward into a future that is full of Magickal opportunities? Do you want to experience life at the forefront during this great period of evolution the whole world this is progressing into? Do you wish to take charge of your life & future & reach your highest potential? The choice is yours & yours alone! You will never realize your full potential & all that you are capable of if you never try!
Greatness has never been achieved by idleness & contempt. With this extraordinary, powerful ancient vampire in your life, you can make your life, your spiritual journey, your very existence as a life force all that you want it to be!
Place it near your bedside while you sleep, to accelerate the expansion of your subconscious! You can keep it on your altar or another special place in your home, wherever feels right to you! The more skin contact the better
This is your chance to use the energies of the universe constructively, to manipulate them to your wishes & desires. It is time to cast aside doubts, regrets and fears! You can live the life you’ve always known you were meant for with an immortal by your side!
The moment this impressive ring enters your life, it will forever be changed for the best. All undeniable energy can be felt intensely, so much so that I highly recommend being seated when opening the package. When making first contact with Metaphysicals of such great power, some experience a sense of lightheadedness, dizziness, or confusion, some experience intense happiness, excitement, or euphoria, some experience sensations of heightened senses and awareness, a feeling of connectivity to the universe, the earth, or specific cosmic influence. These sensations are signs; signs of the associated energetic frequencies and waves intertwining with your own psionic energy and revitalizing your spiritual bodies, charging your spiritual matrix. These are signs of the cusp of awesome change in life. In every stage of life, we have new challenges & tests, but also opportunities, all of which require commitment & intention to move forward, to progress towards fulfilling your potential and creating your destiny!
You may or may not believe in fate or destiny, but whether you do or not, you stumbled upon this listing for a reason, this one listing out of the trillions of other pages you could be on online now at this very moment. You found this listing & that reason may be because you are on the verge of something life changing.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask!