A beautifully timeworn antique, likely made of bronze and copper. There is natural patina from age and use. Overall it is still in very fine wearable condition.
Here at The Haunted Hive, we have the honor of meeting so many people from all walks of life the world over. From single parents searching for a better life for their children, Business owners and graduates drowning in debt, to the hard working blue collar worker Searching for that big lucky break and those who feel stuck living paycheck to paycheck, or living on a fixed income – almost everyone these days is amidst struggle in some way, each fighting our own battles.
Well, we are tired seeing so many struggle. Each of us has a Passion, a Gift, a Purpose and meaning on this Earth, and we are losing touch with what makes each of us unique as Spiritual Beings. The daily grind of monotonous worry and stress has clouded the spirits of so many, for too long.
This is NOT the way we are intended to exist! We are capable of so much Greatness, but the obligatory Burdens that weigh heavily upon our shoulders also weighs heavily upon our minds, our spirits and our hearts, severely hindering us from growth, and it all usually boils down to Money.
Each of us Deserves and has the Right to live Life as we want! To explore within, and thus outward, to follow our Passions and Dreams, to live free of the Stress and Worry of Money, to be free from the Fear and Anxieties of not being able to survive financially! We should each be able to indulge, to discover, to experience adventure, excitement and luxury, regardless of our paycheck, or lack thereof!
And so, it is with great honor and pride, we offer this one of a kind metaphysical treasure to you. An exclusive offering available strictly to customers of The Haunted Hive, this antique Chinese Good Luck amulet is one of a kind in Metaphysical creation – a powerful Talisman of Monetary Change and Financial Freedom; a vessel of potent, singularly focused, condensed energies and the hidden, pure power of Magick, guaranteed to make you extremely lucky and wealthy!
Obtained just last week from an Underground source, we are required to keep the identity and any specific financial endeavors of the previous Masters of this vessel Confidential. However, we can share that since the time that this relic entered the underground circuit as a documented Talisman of Power, it has circulated to two individual, separate Keepers. During their times as Masters of this Talisman, both of these individuals became verified millionaires through substantial Lottery winnings.
In our decades as Metaphysical Curators and Spiritual Caretakers, we have been the temporary Keepers to many Magickals and have had countless experiences, various manifestations of Power, but the Power of this specific Talisman truly, undeniably stands out and has seriously impressed us.
We have only had this within our possession for a mere few days, keeping it in a sacred, energetically secure area. After only 2 days, our Founder felt suddenly compelled to buy a scratch off ticket, something she very rarely does, a single $5 ticket, which turned out to be a $1,000 winner. As the Metaphysical Caretakers, it is not often we experience such a large monetary energetic manifestation, and so quickly!

What truly sets this piece apart and elevates its potency is the very nature of its Powers. In the tradition of Ancient Eastern Mystery Schools, its purity and potency comes from the infusion of the Perfect balance found within the Extremes of Nature, a Balance between White and Black Magick, forging an indefectible Power of complete Elemental and Cosmic purity of Grey Nature that has flawless, sublime dominance.
This was achieved by casting spells capable of both Absolute energetic influence, and total control over any situation.
The White Magick within this creates influence, manipulating the cosmic, esoteric means of harnessing energies and condensing them to influence the way in which reality will go.
The Black Magick within takes control to transform a situation, filtering out and blocking the undesired, forcing reality to bend to your will.
All situations have numerous potential possible outcomes initially, including the one you desire (if you can imagine it, then it is possible). Using this perfect Balance of white and black Magick, the outcome you seek becomes the only possible outcome and your destiny is sealed.
This is a Vessel for One who needs their Life to Change, who needs Much more than Good Luck alone. This Talisman is for Major Change in multiple areas of Life, if you are in Need of Luck, Money, Wealth, Success, Prosperity, Strength, Determination or all of the above. This relic is for someone who feels like they have struggled for far too long, who just can't seem to get ahead, whose life keeps handing them obstacle after obstacle, trials, hardships, losses, someone who feels they need a Miracle.
Miracles are acts granted to us from the Unseen – the forces beyond and above us, a series of perfect events that lead up to creating those Truly Magickal, unforeseen moments and opportunities. And that is precisely what finding this Talisman here is for the One person the Universe intends it for. For the One whom this is meant for, whether you believe in Fate or Miracles or not, you are here for a reason, of that we have no doubt. Out of the Billions of other pages you could be at online right now, you were brought here and found this relic for a reason, and it may just be that you are on the verge of something truly life changing
Do you wish to continue on as you have been your whole life, or are you ready to seize this rare opportunity & propel yourself forward into a future that is full of Opportunities for making you Wealthy & Prosperous ? Do you want to experience Life at the forefront of Success & Wealth in Abundance ? The choice is yours & yours alone! Many go their entire lives just waiting for Opportunities to find them, until One day they realize they regret not taking action long ago.
End the vicious cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, or working to just pay for daycare, spending all your time at a job that is little more than an obligation. Bask in the Wealth this will bring you & do what YOU want to do With YOUR Life! The Time has come to realize your Life's full potential can be achieved! Greatness has never been achieved by idleness & contempt. Take your journey where ever you desire! Whatever you desire can become your reality!
When at home or not wearing or carrying this Relic it should be kept in a safe, secure, designated place for it. You may place this near your bedside while you sleep, or another special place in your home, you may carry it with you in your purse, bag, backpack, in your Car, you may keep it stored in a box when away from home, take it with you while on vacation, keep it with you at work in a briefcase, place it on your desk, you can keep it in the center of your home, like your living room, and all those who live with you, all those that enter will be showered with its Powerful Magick & Energy too! Do wherever feels right to you!
If you have been Searching for a Break, a way to change your Life, then It is time to cast aside doubts, regrets and fears & Step Into The Light! You can live the life you've always known you were Meant For & Gain all that You Desire!
The moment this Powerful Talisman enters your Life, it will forever be Changed for the Best. As soon as you unwrap this Magical Treasure it will commence the aligning of your personal energies to Universal Wealth & Success Frequencies. It's undeniable Energy can be felt intensely, so much so that I highly recommend being seated when opening the package. When making first contact with objects of such Great Power, you may experience a sense of lightheadedness, feelings of Happiness, Excitement, a sudden sensation of Relaxation, or Euphoria. This is the Energies around you, through the Magick & Energy of this Artifact entering your life, intertwining with your own Psionic Energy and aura. These sensations are signs that you are on the Cusp of a new Life!
You will have an experience that is solely unique to you, where you are in your Journey and Life at any point in time. We as Spiritual Beings with our own unique Energies, we are not cookie-cutter, or one-size-fits-all
In every stage of life, we have new challenges & tests, but also opportunities, all of which require Commitment & Intention to move forward, to Progress towards being the best human you can be, to fulfilling your life's potential for Success & Happiness.
This is your chance to seize the Energies of the Cosmos & see all the Wonder, Magick & Opportunity the Universe has to offer you!
One does not need to have any prior experience with this Talisman, it is equally ideal for both those new to the exciting world of Psychic Empowerment, and to those who are experienced, as it adapts to each person's individual life and Spiritual experiences.
This does not require you as the Keeper to perform any rituals or bindings upon arrival, it is completely ready for use.
If you feel intuitively pulled or energetically drawn to any of our Magickals, know that we are here to offer these relics to all, regardless of one's economic status. You can be assured, we treat all offers with respect and dignity, and openly invite you to submit your offer to
We believe that everyone deserves to have Positive and Profound Metaphysical experiences, and it is our mission to serve fellow Truth Seekers and Spirit Keepers; to awaken and inspire the Magick in others, one person at a time.