Empathic Starseed Empowering Talisman
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Size 7.5
A gorgeous vintage swivel ring made of real pearl and 925 sterling silver, in good vintage condition.
For your consideration is a rather unusual Talisman in the fact that it is quite rare I ever come across a Talisman of this nature. In fact, I am so inspired by this piece, and, realizing the widespread benefit that could be had, I will be spell casting my own version of this in the near future.
Obtained from a long-time source of ours, going back to when my father was in charge of our family collection, this piece comes from the hands of a fellow solitary witch out west.
This solitary witch also happens to be an Empath and a Starseed, which is why and how this piece came to exist.
As most Empaths and Starseeds will be familiar, being an Empath and/or Starseed has its own challenges. We are more prone to energetic challenges and sensitivity; we often feel too much, take on others’ energy, emotions, we feel detached from the human experience at times, we can struggle with addiction (trying to numb or push away emotions), eating disorders (a sense of control), and growing up we can often feel like the odd one out, the “black sheep” of the family, most of us were bullied as children, and as adults we tend to run into people who try to dim out light. Just to name a few common challenges.
What this Talisman does is help empower you as a Starseed and an Empath, protecting you with light, but most importantly, helping you not only find but use your own inner light.
Why is this so important? When we find and claim our own light, we are effectively claiming our own power. When we can do this, we are raising our vibrational frequency, our energy elevates, and as this happens, we naturally begin attracting things that we need to help us continue in the upward/forward direction. You’ll begin attracting things to help you heal what needs to be healed, you’ll attract people and things that will give you insight, understanding, and self empowerment.
Even when you’re beyond the point of healing and you’re leveling up, there are new challenges that arise that this Talisman helps with.
You may find that those who operate from a low vibrational frequency, those who live in the frequencies and energies of fear, hate, jealousy, anger, and such, may seem to flock to you at times. While some of these people are meant to cross your path so that your own inner light can light theirs (like a candle that lights another, which does not take away from it), some are meant to cross your path to try you, to level you up. This will help you traverse these encounters with much more clarity and insight so that you may maneuver in ways best for you.
This will help keep you balanced and grounded, as, we can have a tendency of losing touch with our Earthly experience. While there is nothing wrong in seeking the Mystikal and divine by any means, it is important to not be one so detached from our human, earthly experience. This piece will help you with both sides.
This Talisman will help you connect with your Starseed origins, and, it can even help bring you together with your star family, or, soul tribe. Now, this may look different from how it may have looked 50 years ago, meaning, with the magic of the internet, you may be brought together online vs actually in person. Our soul tribe can be located anywhere on Earth. Some of our star family may not even be incarnated on Earth at this moment, or, while you may be 30, they may be an infant at the moment. So, it is not a guaranteed thing, as each star family is entirely unique.
The long-term use of this piece will raise you up in your own light and empower you to do what you are here on this earth for. You are here for a purpose, to shine your light, to heal, to help other light workers, to awaken others, to help elevate the collective.
To use this, it is ideal to wear it, be it as a ring, on a necklace, or, kept in a pocket. The closer to you, the better.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.