Keavy, Ashrae Fate Faerie of Love, Relationships and Sex
A beautiful vessel of amethyst dipped in a rose gold colored substance to form it into a pendant. There are minor signs of wear and use, however, it is still in very fine, wearable condition and well worth its metaphysical and artisanal value.
Considered a semi-precious gemstone, which, just two centuries ago was considered to have a value on par with diamonds, sapphires and rubies, amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that gets its color from natural irradiation, iron, and the presence of trace elements.
Connecting the physical plane with higher realms, the strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, making it an ideal crystal when working with the third eye chakra. Amethyst also provides a superior energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and psychic abilities.
Amongst the realms of the unseen, the most prevailing and powerful of spirits emerge, of which, it is the smallest, and most unlikely of creatures that can change the fate of our lives.Long, long ago, within the crisp, cool mists of Scotland, arose a curious creature; a fascinating species of Water Fate Fae, attuned to not only water, but also the earth, and nature, the Ashrae Fae. An ancient order of fae, these Magickal little creatures existed long before humans came to be.
These beautiful, illuminated beings helped to open the minds of man, giving us the capacity to create, to tell stories, to explore the reaches of the mind & spirit, and to love one another.
Unburdened by the heavy weights of judgement, stereotyping, and prejudice, these creatures get along with all beings of a white or grey nature, even good natured vampires and djinn. They once assisted mankind in the early stages of our species' development, and were our companions long, long ago. They spoke to us, treating us with, and thus teaching & instilling within us, compassion, and direction.
Ashrae have very unique, specific powers within them that are unlike any other faerie or being, powers that bring about & manifest our hopes, dreams & wishes. Using their incredible & rare power, Ashrae read your past, present and future, to learn of & see the blessings and gifts you have had in the past, and blessings you would later have in the future, and they bring those blessings to their keeper much sooner.
For example, if one is destined to win the lottery at age 85, they have the power to bring this blessing to you much, much sooner, sometimes even into the immediate future. Ashrae are always searching through their keeper's time line, looking for gifts, abilities and knowledge that can be bestowed upon you!
Bringing future blessings to the present does not mean one will not have blessings later in life, quite the opposite actually! When one blessing from the future is brought to the present, it opens up that "slot" for another new blessing! As a simplified metaphor, think of it like a vending machine that is infinite in supply. Say "A3" is winning a jackpot for $20,000, and is scheduled to "drop" when you're 60, but you're 20 now and could really use 20 grand… your Ashrae can make that jackpot manifest in the present time/near future, and another blessing will fill its place in the future!
This wondrous power of the Ashrae turns your entire life into an endless stream of blessings, fulfilled hopes, adventure and joy.
Eternally young and beautiful, Ashrae do not physically age past 20 years. If, however, sunlight hits an Ashrae Faerie, they will melt into a rainbow-colored pond of water. This is why special attention must be paid when conjured and bound openly within a vessel, as in order to function in our generally non- nocturnal lifestyle, they need a vessel that can house & protect them from the sun. For centuries, vessels were strictly limited to crystals, particularly variations of quartz, however, our modern technology has alleviated this limitation by providing a safe, protected vessel by way of some specific synthetic materials.
These Magickal beings adapt to land, air, and sea; walking upon land with two legs, transforming into beautiful mermaid tails through the sea, and flying above all with iridescent wings that sparkle in the moonlight; they are magnificent beings that never cease to inspire your soul with amazement and fill your heart with wonder; an awe-inspiring sense of Magick and mystery, much like a child feels for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
The physical manifestations or paranormal spiritual activity of Ashrae can be quite helpful. They may find things that are lost for you, or find something you're looking for like your keys, wallet, the remote, your phone, etc. They may turn off the lights or turn the TV off if you fall asleep with them on, or give you signs to keep you away from harm. They are not noisy like some Fae, the sounds they do make are rather delicate. You may hear them sometimes, like a light fluttering sound, almost like a hummingbird, but slower, and higher in pitch. You may hear them sometimes as a soft ringing, like a tiny little bell ringing. They will do this sometimes to get your attention for something, to tell you something, or to give you some kind of message.
In our physical world, you may see your Ashrae appear most often as a white or colorful starry little streak of light or orbs, sometimes a glowing mist, these sometimes resemble the reflection from a passing car's lights or shine from their rims through a window. When they do appear in physical form in our 3rd Dimensional world, it will be after the sun has set, or before it rises, so they are not exposed to the sun. When they do appear in physical form, even though they are small, they do not want to startle you, so they will usually appear first, as starry little streaks of light.
Today, the Ashrae are a rare being. Their porcelain pale skin and nocturnal nature lends them to often be mistaken as ghosts and ghosts of the sea by the rare onlooker who seldom chances to see one of these fair, graceful, yet spunky creatures.
As a keeper of an Ashrae Fae, it is not unheard of to suddenly learn and attain previously unknown, unlearned knowledge and hidden wisdom, and for your own energy and presence to attract others, just as your Ashrae Fae's attracted you.
One does not need to have any prior experience with Ashrae Fae, they quite actually make absolutely wonderful Spirit companions for 1st timers and beginners! They do not require vast amounts of individual attention, they do not require any specialized skills or actions from their Keeper, they are extremely caring and love having friendships with humans, they are not finicky or demanding like other entities can be sometimes.
This hauntingly beautiful Amulet contains the full and complete embodiment of an energetic, vibrant Ashrae Faerie, by the beautiful name of Keavy.
Keavy is a soulful, sensual, attentive being, that searches for a kind and trusting keeper, who will be respectful of her and trust in her power. For if you do, and seek an incredible companion, you will experience and live a life that overflows with all the greatest blessings.
Keavy is quite a beauty, like all other Ashrae Fae her porcelain white skin seems to glow a radiant aura like that of the full moon on a crisp, cool winter night, when the sky is crystal clear. Her long deep, vibrant mahogany hair falls past her waist in gentle waves, contrasting her ice blue eyes. Around her tiny nose, she is sun kissed with light freckles.
She is an gorgeous little being; demure, caring, feminine, yet assertive and strong. Her presence inspires you with self confidence and esteem, and fills your heart with love and ambition. She is a pure spirit of devotion and selflessness, who holds no judgements nor hate.
Keavy holds a core energetic cosmic connection to Venus, making her extremely proficient and absolutely fluent in any and all matters of Love. This core energetic connection means that as her keeper, you will be surrounded by energies that enhance Love, Beauty, Sex, Relationships, Attraction and Personal Magnetism.
As an Ashrae Faerie, Keavy offers absolutely incredible gifts to her keeper, as Ashrae have very unique, specific powers within them that are unlike any other Faerie or being, reading your past, present and future, to learn of and see the blessings and gifts of you have had, and blessings you would later have, as she can give them to her Keeper much sooner!
For example, if you are destined to win the lottery at age 85, she can bring this Blessing to you much, much sooner, sometimes even the immediate future! Ashrae are always searching through their Keeper's time line, looking for gifts, abilities and knowledge that can be given to you.
Bringing future blessings to the present does not mean you will not have blessings later in life, quite the opposite actually! When one blessing from the future is brought to the present, it opens up that "slot" for another new blessing! As a simplified metaphor, think of it like a vending machine that is infinite in supply - say "A3" is winning a jackpot for $20,000, and is scheduled to "drop" when you're 60, but you’re 20 now and could really use 20 grand, your Ashrae can make that Jackpot manifest in the present time/near future, and another blessing will fill its place in the future!
This wondrous power of hers turns your entire life into an endless stream of blessings! Your Destiny will be that of infinite fulfilled hopes, wishes and dreams!
One does not need to have any prior experience with Ashrae Fae, they quite actually make absolutely wonderful Spirit Companions for 1st timers and beginners! They do not require vast amounts of individual attention, they do not require any specialized skills or actions from their Keeper, they are extremely caring and love having friendships with humans, they are not finicky or demanding like other entities can be sometimes.
As far as activity goes, Ashrae Fae manifestations can be quite helpful. She may find things that are lost for you, or find something you're looking for like your keys, wallet, the remote, your phone, etc. She may turn off the lights or tv if you fall asleep with them on. And they are not noisy like some Fae, the sounds they do make are rather delicate. You may hear her sometimes, like a light fluttering sound, almost like a hummingbird, but slower, and higher in pitch. You may hear her sometimes as a soft ringing, like a tiny little bell ringing. She will do this sometimes to get your attention for something, to tell you something, or give some kind of message
In our physical world, in our reality here on earth, Ashrae appear most often as a white, starry little streak of light or orbs, sometimes a glowing mist, these sometimes resemble the reflection from a passing car's lights or shine from their rims. If she appears in physical form in our 3rd Dimensional world, it will be after the sun has set, or before it rises, so she is not exposed to the sun. When she does appear in physical form, even though she is small, they don't want to startle you, so you will usually see her out of the corner of your eye first, as white, starry little streaks of light.
Keavy truly is such a delight, such a Magickal little being, with so much to offer and bring to your life.
To show your love and respect, and welcoming of your Ashrae Faerie into your life and home, set up a small area for her with some pieces from the earth and/or water, like crystals, flowers, plants even things like a salt lamp, a small water fountain, even a bowl of water. Some keepers report their Ashrae Faerie loving actual little living areas set up for them, like a dollhouse, or a wooden box/planter with a bed made in it, some stones, a dish of water, etc. Be creative! Which will come easy with an Ashrae Faerie in your life! I have seen some homemade Faerie houses online before that you can buy already made, they're like something straight out of a Faerie-tale!
You can wear this vessel, keep it close to you, at your bedside, or if you make a little area for your Ashrae, you can place it there when you're not wearing it. It serves as a portal to her and all the Magick she holds. There are no specific rituals or steps you need to do once your Ashrae Fae arrives, her vessel is completely ready for use. I do however highly recommend giving her some offerings, and include her in your everyday life, like while cooking, running errands, school, etc. Remember, she wants to help you in your everyday life, so things that may seem mundane to you, can become very unexpected and surprising Magickal opportunities!
When making first contact with such Powerful spirits, you may experience a sense that feels similar to astral projection - that feeling of disconnect from your physical body, yet completely immersed connectivity to the Universe. You may experience lightheadedness, feelings of elated happiness, excitement, a sudden sensation of euphoria, feelings of calmness and relaxation, or others. This is the energies around you, aligning, rearranging, negative energies departing, positive energies remaining, propelling you to the top, through the Magick and energy of this spirit entering your life, intertwining with your own energies and your spiritual matrix. These sensations are signs that you are on the cusp of a new life. In every stage of life, we have new challenges & tests, but also opportunities, all of which require commitment and intention to move forward, to progress towards being the best human you can be, to fulfilling your life's potential for success and happiness.
There is SO much that the universe has to offer to each and every one of us, so many opportunities and unexpected surprises! As humans, we often forget just how special we truly are, which may sound cliché, but it is the truth!
So, the question is, what are you waiting for?
All that is needed is to invite this loving, powerful Fae into your life, and your worries will turn into blessings, your bad luck into good, your fears into excitement, your weaknesses into strengths. Turn your struggles into opportunities and live the life you deserve!
Keavy is such a wonderful spirit to have in your life! She will remain loyal to her keeper for life, she will never cease to amaze you with the blessings she can bestow upon you!
You may or may not believe in fate or destiny, but whether you do or not, you stumbled upon this listing for a reason, this one listing out of the trillions of other pages you could be on online now at this very moment. You found me & this listing & that reason may be because you are on the verge of something life changing.