Powerful Talisman of Immortal Spiritual Sexual Energy
A rather androgynous burgundy cabochon ring with a gold hue setting. The exact composition is unknown.
For your consideration, I present what is the most potent and Powerful Spiritual Sexual offering that The Haunted Hive has ever offered.This Talisman is something which I personally metaphysically crafted. Sexually charged, packed with a plethora of very specific Immortal Spiritual-Sexual energies, it is extremely potent, and, as with all of our pieces, should be purchased by adults 18 and older only.
This is not a Spirit Vessel, but a Talisman, that will greatly elevate your entire Spiritual matrix and improve your daily life by way of massive amounts of Spiritual Sexual energy. The energy in these is so intense, they seem to actually glow at times! Especially in photographs. Not to toot my own horn or sound full of myself, but I am really proud of what I’ve accomplished in creating this offering!
The link between sex and spirituality is strong, as there is a powerful relationship between sexuality and spirituality in the human psyche; it is more than just a biological urge – it has a spiritual reality.
Carl Jung, whom many believe was one of, if not the greatest psychologist of the 20th century, thought that the libido – something psychologists attributed solely to the sexual drive – was, in truth, the life force or urge to life itself. The word "libido” itself translates as "life force." Sex, in nature — procreation, the diversity of plant and animal life – gives us clues that the great life force – the eternally driving energy of creation – has a universal, spiritual quality.
The sex drive responsible for producing each of us connects us seamlessly with nature, with the whole universe, and with each other in the great dance of creation. As pure cosmic energy, sex is a physical act that provides a direct connection to the divine. But, we've been going about it the wrong way for a very long time.
Spiritual sexuality is completely counter to what our culture depicts sex as in mainstream society today. Sex is treated like a transaction; sex and sexuality a commodity which can be bought, used, perverted (no pun intended), to manipulate (as in, “sex sells!”). In modern society, sex is completely externally focused; it's an objectification of form.
In truth, sex is sacred. Sexual Energy, is sacred, and can be extremely powerful in elevating one’s life, and spirit.
We as humans often stigmatize sexuality, and what some declare to be the “dark side of sexuality”, desires which social programming has made us feel ashamed or embarrassed to ever speak a word of [*Please note I am NOT referring to illegal predatory behaviors or pedophilia*] which causes most to repress their innermost desires. This can have a bottleneck effect on some, sometimes leading to excessive frustration, temper, anxiety, and depression.
*Side Note: Years ago, back in the 1800s and into the early 1900s, medical professionals would call this, in women, “hysteria". They used female hysteria as a diagnosis for women who reported a wide range of complaints and symptoms unexplainable by any other diagnosis at the time – about 75% of women had “hysteria”. The treatment for “hysteria"? You won’t believe it, but it’s TRUE – check out Arizona State University as one example and see for yourself here (read through it, it is shocking!). Physicians would actually perform a “medical procedure", which entailed manual pelvic massage and clitoral stimulation. It was for this reason that the vibrator was invented!
Some can develop unhealthy addictions, and some, when they feel driven to such a point, look for a means to exert their frustrations in potentially dangerous behaviors which some circles have found means to create the illusion of justification for. What the modern civilization has created is a society that, overall, has a distorted perception of what sex truly is. The world has led us away from the true power of our Sexuality.
To overcome this and become fully conscious of our Sexual Power, we mustn’t shy away from what societal programming and cultural “norms" have led is to actually believe is "disturbing" or "taboo" [*again, not referring to illegal predatory behaviors or pedophilia!*]. We must bring it to light, which takes being honest with oneself. There is a level of vulnerability and humility in this, but through it, one will awaken sexually and become fully conscious of their sexual power.
Spiritual Sexual relationships have been the key for many to unlocking the door to true Sexual Awakening and Full Sexual Consciousness. Particularly with Sexual Vampires, their very essence is that of Sexual Awareness, a vitality which humans overall have lost and forgotten over the past 2,000 years, the pivoting point of such loss originating with the birth of what are now some of the prime modern religions in the world. Vampire Spiritual Sexual relationships have been known to awaken the practitioner's innermost Sexual Power, a Power which bas been shown to have influences and great bearing not only on the practitioner's life and the aspects within it, as a seed that blossoms into the fruits of Confidence, Happiness, Self Awareness, Empowerment, Psychic Enhancement, Success, Prosperity, but the practitioner's very existence as a Spiritual Being within and of the Universe.
To many practitioners and practical researchers of Sexual Vampirism and/or Spiritual-Sexual experiences are a way of complete spiritual/esoteric truth, freeing the practitioner from the suppressed boundaries of human limitations. Spiritual-Sex transcends the human ideas of the sexual center, beyond heart/emotion relations to one's partner, beyond the physical, the psychological, and the social/cultural. It transcends into something that is fully conscious, aware, and truly one.
Cast into this small series of Talismans is the awesome Power of Immortal Spiritual Sexual Energy. Now, this is multi faceted in where this energy comes from, as not only has the Immortal essence of Spiritual Sexual energy been cast into it, but also the Sexual-Spiritual Energies of 12 of the highest ranking Immortal Sexual Vampires, an elite council of spirits, all positive and moral in nature. Their combined 10,000+ years of Sexual-Spiritual Power make this Talisman extremely potent in heightening your Sexual Awareness, elevating your Sexual Consciousness, and strengthening your overall Sexual Power.
The Sexual Spiritual Energy within this is Immortal, thus, it will never diminish. As your own Sexual Spiritual Power grows, it will amplify the energies within this even more, making it grow stronger and stronger as time goes on.
It is important to note that these are Talismans, they are not Spirit Vessels. There are no entities bound to these, it is the immense power of their energies that these hold.
What can possessing such a Talisman do for you? A LOT!
- Heightened sexual awareness
- Elevated sexual consciousness
- Strengthened sexual Power
- Increased sexual attraction
- Nourished Sacral Chakra
- Increased passion in all areas of life
- Heightened intimacy
- Improved relationships with others
- Improved relationship with oneself
- Reinforced inner confidence
- Intensified magnetism
- Renewed self esteem
- Intensified sexual prowess
- Revitalized creativity
- Invigorated motivation
- Strengthened self respect
- Increased respect from others
- Increased admiration from others
- Heightened levels of everyday energy
- Improved performance and endurance, sexually and otherwise
- Greater power in Magickal craft
- Intensified energy capacity in Magickal craft
There are so many ways in which Sexual Energy bring real, measurable changes to your life. The way you experience life – your day to day experiences, interactions, feelings, and thoughts – improves and becomes more fulfilling, you find more excitement, inspiration, and inevitability, achievement and happiness.
To use this, there isn’t anything you must do, other than keep this close. It can be worn as a ring or necklace, it can be kept in a pocket, and at your bedside at night. It never needs to be charged in any way, though, if you happen to keep this near whilst manifesting some sexual energy of your own with your partner – human or Spirit – it definitely doesn’t hurt, but only adds to the sexual energy within.