Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus
Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus
Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus
Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus
Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus
Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus

Premier OOAK Metaphysical Rarity Born of the Vatican Secret Archives | Lebab of Solomon & Animus Continuus



A stunning and very wise looking old skeleton key, brilliant in a gold color with intricate openwork detail. It comes on a thick double chain which appears to be of a different metallic composition than the key itself as it has more natural patina to it.




Being offered for sale today for the careful consideration of the elite metaphysical collector, this is, unquestionably, a one of a kind, once in a lifetime museum quality metaphysical relic. A precious artifact for the Truth Seeker; one who seeks the infinite - one who already possesses the courage and wisdom to not only see beyond the illusions with which socially programmed “tradition” and blood dynasty powers have blinded us, but one who possesses the heart, the energetic caliber, and the soul to be able to achieve and gain the greatest of things which this world has to offer while not losing themselves to it; one who has what it takes to remain true to themselves, their morals, convictions, values, the highest version of themselves, no matter what.

This is a Talisman meant for one of pure heart and true soul, who will not put their own desires above the greater good of humanity – but rather, one whose heart and soul’s truest desires include the betterment of humanity.

From our Premier collection, I present to you a very, very special offering that is the key to a living database, a portal of power, to all that is bound within it by some of the greatest minds the world has ever seen, and all that was bound to it, and so much more. Such transformative power, knowledge, and abilities, granting the Master the ability to “download” these multi-faceted metaphysical, supernatural wonders, coupled with the unfathomable scale of which those powers reach, the expansion of consciousness and the key to the very fabric of consciousness itself….it truly is hard to put into words that give it justice.

Having a direct metaphysical endowment to talismans belonging to some of the greatest Ascended Masters and minds the world has ever seen including such as from the Emerald Tablet. It is extremely rare we encounter metaphysical artefacts of such a provenance – this is only the 4th I have ever personally encountered in 36 years.

An offering which is entirely unique to our collection, so advanced in nature and bursting with the rarest, most powerful sources of energetic magick, we guarantee it is unlike any Talisman you have ever, or will ever see. One of our most truly profound offerings, this is a prized treasure and truly a showpiece of our collection, and now, we offer this precious piece of occult & metaphysical history to you.

Long kept within the tight clutches of the Vatican, we came to have this piece some time ago from a long time, elite, underground source of ours. That’s about as close to specifics as I can get publicly or privately for the sake of all parties.

Forged deep within the Vatican’s Secret Archives – a place accessible to the Pope only, officially, a most heavily guarded, untouchable fortress replete with an impenetrable underground bunker, holds rows upon countless rows of hidden texts, lost books, and confidential scrolls from every corner of the earth; a labyrinth of over 53 miles of shelves.

Originally constructed in 1612 by Pope Paul V, the plethora of documents plunges back 12 centuries into the depths of time, with the earliest texts dating to the shadows of the 8th Century, according to what the Vatican has told the public, that is. It is widely believed, and highly, highly likely, that there's texts and relics that date back far earlier, by millennia.

This massive repository of knowledge holds countless records from every corner of the known world, relics from the greater history of Western civilization.

Out of the 53+ miles of written knowledge and relics, less than 1% has been examined by outsiders; and out of which only but a few millimeters have been scanned for internet reference. There are original, hand written documents from the Galileo Trial, The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, the Knights Templar, letters from Mary Queen of Scotts, Michelangelo, King Henry VIII, Abraham Lincoln, texts on birch bark from the Canadian Ojibwe tribe and many, many others.

Always under a strict hand of inaccessibility, the Secret Archives have always been forbidden and closed off from the public, governments, and Church officials - even Cardinals. Amateur historians, students, researchers and journalists need not waste their efforts and hopes in applying for entry and access, as they are strictly forbidden. The select few that have ever gained access have been forced to go though extensive background checks, and only the most qualified, recognized scholars who has been thoroughly vetted by the Holy See (a process which can take years) have been granted access through the archives’ single, heavily guarded entrance.

Once in, there is a strict protocol and codes of procedures.

There is no “browsing”, it is strictly forbidden.

Selection is limited only to the documents that the Holy See has pre-selected.

You must state the exact documents you are looking for out of a catalog of titles, Exclusively handwritten in Latin and Italian.

You are limited to only three documents.

There is a strict time limit for the length of time permitted with each document, and the length of time any individual is permitted entry within the archives.

There will undoubtedly always be strict supervision within the archives and heavily oppressive limitations on what is available. Newer documents are absolutely forbidden – 75 years must pass before they will even consider it, but even still, the vast majority of the archives is totally off limits and probably forever will be.

Now, the church plays it off as though there's nothing all that interesting or out of the ordinary within the archives – certainly nothing scandalous, incriminating, or anything that deviates from the image the church projects. Just a bunch of letters and records, of course.

However, this could not be anywhere farther from the truth.

If it indeed were filled with purely mundane subject matter, there would be little need for having a guarded fortress equipped with underground bunkers, nor such rigid, staunch authoritarian rules on background clearance, entry, and accessibility. No. There is far, far more within the Vatican's Secret Archives than the Holy See would ever allude to.

As if the publicly known restrictions and inaccessibility weren't enough, there is another "layer" to the Archives that is even more protected and heavily guarded - both physically and supernaturally - quite befitting for the secrets it withholds. This There is an entirely closed off section to the Archives, a secret, cloaked area one will never see with the naked eye, an area there are no blueprints for, that few have ever even known of its existence. It is a section in which there are documents of the most guarded of top secret information, answer’s to life's biggest questions, and knowledge so profound, it will never see the light of day, for the church feels mankind could not handle such information, such life altering knowledge, their excuse is, in a nutshell, “man is not ready yet, nor may he ever be”.

This indefinitely hidden, locked section and all that makes up what is within, is known as the Black Archives.

That is where this piece was born in an almost impossible task completed by one of our contacts - someone of exceptional talent and elite skill - in a ritual of the ancient Roman Priests, known only to a very few.

Deep into the Vatican, through the Archives, past the cloaking, and hidden within the depths of the Black Archives, using two of the most sacred, secret artifacts known to mankind to forge an entirely new, super powered talisman possessing such a culmination of magick, so much energy that I started feeling a bit dizzy the first time I held this. It’s not often a piece has such an effect on me with as much exposure as I have had to all the wondrous metaphysicals and operations of magick I’ve been so fortunate to experience, but let me tell you – I had to take a breath, and take a break.

What lies within this piece are facets of power harnessed from two Talismans so powerful, they changed the course of direction for all of human life on earth as we know it.


The Lebab of Solomon


A Talisman referred to as “The Leb of Solomon”, or, “The Lebab of Solomon”, created by King Solomon which was later kept by Nikola Tesla. Physically, it looks like a golden palm stone, an oval shaped mass of solid gold encrusted with various gemstones. Phonetically, heard as “layb” or “lay-bawb”, either are used interchangeably in regards to this Talisman. While I am no expert in early Hebrew, I do know a bit, and it is important to know some basics about the language to truly understand the meaning of what this Talisman truly is.

You see, the language of the Ancient Hebrews was closely related to their culture. They were very concrete thinkers as opposed to our very abstract way of thinking. Concrete thought relates all words, concepts and ideas to something that can be sensed by the five senses.

For example, when we use a word like “name,” we focus in on how it is written and pronounced.

I will tell of thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee. (Psalm 22:23)

What does “tell someone about another’s name” mean to the ancient Hebrews? It certainly doesn’t mean to tell others how to write or pronounce it, such as through the eyes of a western lens. But from a Hebraic perspective, a name is much more than its pronunciation - it is the character of the individual; their ethics, workmanship, attitude, dependability, resourcefulness, compassion, integrity, etc.

Another good example of this can be found in the first verse of Genesis, where most translations will have “In the beginning God created.” However, the Hebrew word (reshiyt) literally means the head or top of a place or time, what is prominent, the Hebrew word (bara) literally means to fatten but with the extended idea of filling up. In context, the first chapter of Genesis is about the importance of the filling up of the heavens and the earth, not its creation within a span of time (an abstract idea that is foreign to Hebraic thinking).

There’s also the Hebrew word (aph) for the nose, or nostrils, which is the same word for anger since one who is angry will flare the nostrils. Also, the Hebrew word (mitsvah) is usually translated as a command or commandment in most translations, but Hebraically, it means the directions given to guide one on the journey.

So, with this but of cultural reference in mind, leb and lebab can both be translated as:

  • Inner man, mind, will, heart, understanding
  • Inner part, midst
  • Midst (of things)
  • Heart (of man)
  • Soul, heart (of man)
  • Mind, knowledge, thinking, reflection, memory
  • Inclination, resolution, determination (of will)
  • Conscience
  • Heart (of moral character)
  • As seat of appetites
  • As seat of emotions and passions as a seat of courage

There is no one singular word to translate what the “Leb” or “Lebab” of Solomon is, because it is so much more than just one word, just one idea, one thing. The Lebab of Solomon is a Talisman which is, for purposes of ease in understanding, of inner-standing, very much like our Illuminati Legacy Rings, but of King Solomon, and Nikola Tesla. It holds their essential, esoteric records; their personal mind map of secrets, knowledge, wisdom, rituals of operations, powers, and abilities – like record keepers or memory sticks in a way.


Animus Continuus


The other Talisman which conceived the birth of this one was created by Sir Isaac Newton, and later passed to Albert Einstein. It is a Talisman which Newton created from the elusive mysticism of the pillar of Hermetical thought that is the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, referred to as the Animus Continuus. Exactly what this Talisman is made of and what it looks like has been kept secret for reasons that cannot be disclosed.

With Animus translating as character, intellect, memory, consciousness, mind; and Continuus translating to connected together, continuous, uninterrupted, and together - meaning and referring to the continuous mind or consciousness of not only Sir Isaac Newton himself or that or Einstein, but consciousness itself. The very fabric of consciousness that exists within all of creation.

Needless to say, the amount of wisdom and esoteric knowledge to be found is in itself, unending.

In regards to the Emerald Tablet, the precise history of it has more twists & turns, translations and variations than any other sacred text. So as not to write a novel (which most of you know by now I have a tendency towards), I will do my best to summarize.

Considered the original source of, and what laid the foundations of Freemasonry, systems of esoterica, alchemy, mysticism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Western Alchemy and science; inseparable from the ancient philosopher, healer and sage, Hermes Trismegistus, references to the Tablet can be found appearing and disappearing in literature almost everywhere across the ancient world, before and after the birth of Christ.

Now, the alchemical wisdom of the Tablet extends back beyond ancient times. As the Rosetta stone of alchemy and the Hermetic sciences – the body of alchemical knowledge the tablet has, has largely been considered forbidden knowledge for thousands of years, condemned by ancient patriarchal and medieval powers. Even still today, politicians and many religious leaders use every means as they deem “necessary”, to suppress, inhibit, control, and censor the public's collective accessibility to higher levels of consciousness, and the roads that could lead one to an expansion of and the awakening of the mind.

Holding the secret of the Philosophers Stone, the transmutation that occurs within the Alchemist is what the Tablet is truly about; that “All is One,” that one can experience the Divine through meditation & inner workings. It is so much higher of a transmutation than turning lead into gold, for the metals are material things, used for earthly gains. While there’s nothing wrong with achieving wealth, seeking wealth alone without spiritual ‘wealth’ limits one’s self, and will keep one stuck in the ever changing cycle of reincarnation until one can get past those limiting beliefs and behaviors.

But, I already know that if you are here reading this at this moment you are here because you are ready for what this precious offering brings you.

Encoded with such profound Alchemical secrets that encapsulate all levels of reality, this offering reveals not only the path to personal transformation, to reclaim our birthright universality, to transforming into our highest form of Self on the path to personal transmutation, but the power held within it is quite literally that which is strong enough to propel the evolution of our species, and the world as we know it.




When you think of real groundbreakers, the true individuals who created concrete and tangible change in history, those who left their mark and legacy upon this world in ways that are almost inconceivable, can you imagine what the world would be like today had those individuals never took that first step, had they shrunk into self doubt and disillusion, and sulked back into the mere contempt of mediocrity? Imagine if just Newton or Einstein alone had never become what they did – what would life be like today for all of us? More than likely, things would be extremely, wildly different.

I personally cannot even fathom it.

One doesn’t have to be born into Illuminati bloodlines to leave their mark on the world. One needn’t be the strongest, the wealthiest, the most outspoken or eloquent, the most attractive or famous. To quote the great J.R.R. Tolkien:


It Is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit…

It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule… (From LOTR: The Return of the King)

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." (From LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring)


King Solomon was, of course, born to a King, but Nikola Tesla’s family was comfortable but not wealthy. He was the 4th child of 5; his father an Orthodox priest, writer and poet who wanted Tesla to follow in his footsteps, and his mother though unschooled was still highly intelligent (she created appliances like a mechanical eggbeater to help with chores). Tesla’s childhood had its challenges, including the death of his older brother which haunted him for life, a difficult relationship with his parents, and a serious illness (most say it was cholera) that began around the age of 12. However, he also displayed remarkable imagination and creativity, and was a brilliant student who taught himself as much outside the classroom as he learned inside. He developed an eidetic memory, which allowed him to retain more information for longer than his peers, and sometimes got him in trouble with teachers who thought he was cheating. His parents did NOT support his choice to pursue science and engineering in college and resisted him fully, but after he finally recovered from cholera they finally gave in.

Sir Isaac Newton came from a family of farmers but never knew his father, who died before he was even born. His mom remarried to a minister when Isaac was two, then just left him with her parents/Isaac’s grandparents. Basically treated as an orphan, his childhood was not a happy one to say the least. His mom abandoned him, his stepfather wanted nothing to do with him, his grandpa didn’t leave Isaac a single thing in his will (which he made when Isaac was just 10), and Isaac never even mentioned him later in his life.

There is no doubt that Isaac felt very bitter towards his mom and step dad, especially given the fact when he was 19 and listing his sins he wrote, “to burn them and the house over them.” He showed little interest in school, where he was described as “idle” and “inattentive”. Then his mom had the idea of using him to manage all of her affairs, pulling him out of school, but he proved to be even worse off there. His uncle then persuaded Isaac’s mom to let him return back to school, and it’s clear here that despite the reports, Isaac must have shown some promise as they let him back in, and he resided with the headmaster. From there he went to his uncle’s college at Trinity Cambridge, where, despite the fact that his mother was financially well off, he entered as a sizar - a student who received an allowance toward college expenses in exchange for acting as a servant to other students. Hardly the glamorous or plushy lifestyle. Newton had every reason to fall through the cracks and become just another one of the millions of nameless unknowns who walked the earth before us. But he didn’t!

Albert Einstein was born to a middle-class Jewish family, where, although he showed great mental discipline and self reliance at a young age, he was very prone to outbursts and “tantrums” – many believe he was in fact autistic. Had he not had such a supportive family, or had taken longer to start speaking, we likely would not know the name Albert Einstein today.

The point here being that these men (well, aside from Solomon) didn’t come from extravagant backgrounds. They faced difficulties just like anyone else. What matters most, like with magick, is their intent.

In his list of committed sins that Isaac Newton wrote out around age 19, Newton made it clear that his intentions previously had been out of alignment with the highest version of himself:

“… setting my heart on money, learning, and pleasure more than Thee …”

This was before he committed himself to living with purpose and intent. Like I mentioned before, there is nothing wrong with wanting wealth, there’s certainly nothing wrong with learning, but it is your intent, what lies within your heart, your purpose, character – the word “lebab” comes to mind!

But, like I already said, if you are here, at this moment, on this specific page out of the billions of other places on the internet you could be at this very moment, or the countless of other things you could be doing at this moment, it is safe to assume your intent, your character, what truly lies within your heart and soul are what lead you to this moment in the first place.

Most of those who seek world power and have found it – those who pull the strings behind the scenes and in the shadows which control essentially everything in our daily lives – most of them have always kept their Magick to themselves and within their families, within their own bloodlines, with only a few exceptions. But their power honestly pales in comparison to what this piece offers. The fact that these 4 men did not pass their power on to their own kin, not even their own peers, the fact they had the wisdom and fortitude to know that such power isn’t meant for just anyone simply because they may be close or blood relatives – it just speaks volumes. As, the individual who possesses this piece will have access to more than “just” their consciousness, but the very fabric of the consciousness of the universe.

This truly is a living database, a portal of power, to all that King Solomon, Tesla, Newton and Einstein bound within it, and all that was bound to it, and so much more. Such transformative power, knowledge, and abilities, granting the Master the ability to “download” these multi-faceted metaphysical, supernatural wonders, coupled with the unfathomable scale of which those powers reach, the expansion of consciousness and the key to the very fabric of consciousness itself….it truly is hard to put into words that give it justice.

In our exploration and study of this piece, both on my own and having enlisted the most trusted professionals to examine the scope of this extraordinary relic’s reach, what soon became clear to each and all was the unbelievable depth and expansiveness of this piece. Theologians, experts in 19th century Magick, the esteemed very few who know more about these men and the metaphysical, alchemical and magickal expertise they possessed (not those who just know what’s publicly written about them) we discovered so many various pieces or downloads about/of a multitude or inner workings, alchemy, secrets, spells and rituals, manifestation, magickal herbs (and poisons), means of attraction, wealth, success, psychic expansion, the wisdom of many a grimoire, sorcery, immortality, prophecies, hauntings, astral activities, just to name but a few. All things and so much more that these men and their involvement in their societies had experienced will become your own.

As one of the most diverse metaphysical pieces we have ever offered, it is important to note that any and all Magick and Metaphysics of and within this piece are bound to serve you and your best interests. It is up to each individual though whether one’s own interests are aligned for fit for the betterment or detriment of the whole though.

Now, because of this, we cannot simply offer this to just anybody. There is an energetic prerequisite that is necessary for this piece. Those who understand, I thank you. Those who don’t understand, I do apologize, but it is beyond my control. Even though our screens separate us as well as geographical distance, one of the gifts I have always possessed which I have spent my whole lifetime honing is my ability to read others, their energetic presence, the vibrational frequency of their very core and how much that aligns with what they put out into the universe. Some may call it judging, but, I assure you, it is not something so lackadaisically simple and mundane. It has nothing to do with appearances, or what words we may have exchanged, or any of the ways in which humans tend to subconsciously or consciously judge others – it is quite the opposite. It is the gut instinct, being able to read, sense, and feel the energy of others – “clear feeling” clairsentient messages that come through as a feeling, as well as intuitive downloads – claircognizance – “clear knowing”; when you just know something, even though you have no scientific or measurable way to know it, but you just do.

Chances are great that if you are here reading this, you’re one of those who possesses the energy needed for such a powerful piece - the character, the integrity, the spiritual matrix, the energetic vibrational frequency to become the new Master of this precious treasure. But still, for reasons of absolute transparency, I must reiterate that if you don’t, I know that you already know you don’t. Those who do and are of the caliber of vibration, those who have done the inner work - you know who you are. I know you do, and you needn’t ask if you are. If you’re not, I will respectfully tell you.

Knowing you have the vibrational level needed to wield the power this holds is not arrogance nor pompousness – it is honest self awareness. Those who aren’t yet of the vibrational frequency may feel jealousy, irritation, anger, or feel like it’s just not fair, but those feelings in and of themselves are reiterating my point that spiritual, emotional and energetic maturity are necessary for this piece. It’s normal to feel such emotions, but there is a massive, unequivocal difference between simply experiencing temporary emotions versus your entire being and existence being of those lower vibrational frequencies/emotions. And, there’s no shame in it – we are all at different spots in our own personal journeys, and we all began somewhere, where there was much room for growth. Use this moment as a means of self reflection to propel your level of self awareness, self mastery, and energetic expansion. Use this to work through what is holding you back to elevate your spirit above it, expand your consciousness beyond it, to free yourself from the unresolved, unprocessed, buried, and ignored.




Having this piece, there is so, so much packed within it and to it, it is hard to put into words in a way that truly justifies it, let alone in a way that is eloquent. Knowledge, wisdom, inner knowing and understanding of an almost(?) unending plethora of matters, ever expanding aggrandizement and growth of your energetic vibrational frequency and consciousness which in and of themselves open up endless possibilities and opportunities in an also ever-expanding, sprawling cause and effect of potentialities so expansive, it is, what we believe to be without limit.

Now, through the exclusive use, control, and access to such Magick that spans across all of history that is both of this earth and not – there is just so much extreme power that it will likely take years to feel like you’ve made any kind of a dent in it.

With this piece, you will gain the kind of Magick and knowledge that most people can only dream about having, such that has facilitated and secured the highest levels of legacy imaginable. With this Talisman, you as the Master will be given access to the power, the knowledge, wisdom, thoughts, memories, and so much more of these men and forever change your life for the best. The power to influence, secrets of the Ancient Mystery Schools, the guarded Magick of the elite at your fingertips, abundance of unimaginable scale, explosive success, secret knowledge of and abilities untold, into the realms of the unseen; timeless wisdom from before the existence of the concept of time…

There is no level of Magick that will be able to hold you back in this life.

How exactly this presents it’s many, many, many various pieces of metaphysical “data” is about as diverse as it is both quantitative and qualitative. Dreams, random downloads which may come as something directly or indirectly (quite literally or inwardly) felt, heard, seen, or even smelled or tasted, or simply just coming to know it without any sort of “prompt”, no precursor, no apparent cause. You may receive “data” in dreams, feelings of déjà vu, feeling like you’ve just remembered something that you forgot long ago, or something that just feels familiar to varying degrees of depth – from something vague to something so intensely familiar it feels like home – or a distant intensity or nostalgia like walking into a childhood home. There’s been many instances where the feeling of understanding with a download feels so wondrous and curiously penetrating – like when you are some place ancient and historically profound and recall the various people that stood in the very same spot, walked the same paths, the various events that transpired there and you’re just filled with a sense of awesome connectivity course up through the ground and right through your body.

Like the endless possibilities for expansion within and out, so too are they without limit for the ways in which you can experience the powers of this piece.

Needless to say the powers within this are of an unprecedented level of Magick so exclusive, so grand, each of its wielders is still known as one of the very few who truly changed the world as we know it.

Given the extraordinarily intense nature of this Talisman’s Magick, we must make one point absolutely clear: this piece is for one who is prepared for change, who invites it, who will embrace that which it holds with an open hand and a good heart.

The one who brings this Into their life must be ready for the kind of changes that will not only alter one’s own existence in this lifetime, but that of one’s future descendants. Be sure that you are wise with yourself, your actions, your words, how you instill such wisdom within others, your children, and that which you put out into the world.

Remember, Magick is Magick.

It is the end result of your innermost intentions that deem it dark or not.

Though this metaphysical investment gives you the same magick which flowed in rivers to those before as well as that of their own additions, the same power that they used and cultivated for themselves – wisdom, knowledge influence, wealth, success, prosperity, virility, fame, fortune, you name it – the same magick that has been the guiding force behind the most prominent people in history – it is imperative that the next Master of this consider the times we are in, and use this power for good. But, if you are one meant for this, that’s not even something that needs to be said, as that’s already what is in your heart, and the Magick within this aligns to your own individual Spiritual Matrix, automatically adapting to you and all that makes you, you - your own best interests, well-being, satisfaction, comfort, passions, convenience, goals, dreams, your heart, your reality.

As the Master of this piece, there is virtually nothing one cannot accomplish, and accomplish you shall, for idleness & contempt are not part of who you are. Taking action to mold your own reality into that of your own making, is who you are.

This is a Metaphysical investment – a once in a lifetime opportunity, to reveal, and unleash your true destiny. I know and trust that the new Master of this piece will cherish this piece as the treasure it is.

We are proud to offer this relic, and we stand behind its Magick with complete confidence. It will give you downloads and insights, to be in the right place at the right time, to have the inner knowledge and/or inner knowing to step into the evolutionary path that not only rivals the most elite and powerful blood dynasties in history, but surpasses them because you at your core are not focused solely on the acquisition of material gains and power, but more; to make your mortal time on this Earth – and that of your children’s and future generations – to be one of the utmost respected legacy.

There are no rituals or spells you must perform once this arrives. Everything will have already been done for you.

This is not something which can be replicated, it is far, far, far beyond that which I am capable of.

Please do remember though, that the energy within and around this is incredibly strong, and may at first be overwhelming. It will pass though.

It needn’t be worn or kept with you 24/7. Once it is yours, it is yours, no matter how far the distance between you and it. It should be kept in a safe and secure place though. It should be something you keep with you in your mind, not physically on your person.

All that is required is to accept this piece into your life with trust and respect for it’s power, and continue living as you do, on the good path of self mastery, the path to making a positive change in this world and upon humanity. The more effort you put forth in this, the greater the rewards you will reap, the greater the results and change for all.

To be the Master of such a powerful, significant metaphysical relic of revolutionary social and global change – the possibilities are immeasurable.

This is one of our most iconic pieces, it is an extraordinary find, one that I know, will go precisely where it is meant to.


If you feel intuitively pulled or energetically drawn to any of our magickals, know that we are here to offer these relics to all, regardless of one’s current financial or economic status. You can be assured, we treat all offers with respect and dignity, and openly invite you to submit your offer to:


We believe that everyone deserves to have positive and profound metaphysical experiences, and it is our mission to serve fellow Truth Seekers and Spirit Keepers; to awaken and inspire the magick in others, one person at a time.